Dörren hänger lite åt vänster det är en glipa uppe sen tar den i där nere lite. Ingen aning om hur jag ska justera det antar att det har med gångjärnen att göra.
Is it not possible to make it a little better with tweaking the hinges? I don’t need it perfect just a small amount and it will clear the bottom where it’s rubbing?S sturnus skrev:
Du skulle kunna prova med en gångjärnsknäckare, och knäcka övre gångjärnet på dörren, inåt mot dörren, då flyttar sig dörrbladet ut mot karmen om jag får detta rätt i huvudet.. 😊McLovin skrev:
Jodå, de ska inte vara några problem bara man är försiktig.McLovin skrev:
Finns på många byggvaruhus men även här:
Wrong! If anything, then in the opposite direction! Because the gap is on the side opposite the hinges. Bending it as you wrote will cause the door to slide inwards, which will cause it to wedge at the bottom. Now it rubs against the threshold. I don't believe that such a large gap can be removed with this tool. Because on the other side, on the long edge of the door, there should be a gap twice as large. This results from simple geometry.RasmusR skrev:
You can unscrew the "karm skruv" from the side of the door frame hinges (provided that the door frame is a gap on that side) and lift the door frame from that side up. You will need to make new holes for the screws
Kika på denna så förstår du vad jag menar.S sturnus skrev:Wrong! If anything, then in the opposite direction! Because the gap is on the side opposite the hinges. Bending it as you wrote will cause the door to slide inwards, which will cause it to wedge at the bottom. Now it rubs against the threshold. I don't believe that such a large gap can be removed with this tool. Because on the other side, on the long edge of the door, there should be a gap twice as large. This results from simple geometry.
You can unscrew the "karm skruv" from the side of the door frame hinges (provided that the door frame is a gap on that side) and lift the door frame from that side up. You will need to make new holes for the screws
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