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Bygga egna sensorer - Hemautomation
nej, gissar att jag än så länge "hyr" det. Då jag betalar en månadsavgift för utryckning.
Sedan har jag redan en smart plug. Täntke först använda en Fibaro Wall plug som rapporterar om en "alway on" enhet tappar strömmen. Men det är ju en riktigt dyr lösning.
En annan lösning som jag diskuterade i din hemautomationstråd var att göra en websrape av Verisures sida, där finns en händelselogg när jag loggar in.
Men kom igår kväll på att en sensor med Arduino kanske kunde vara lösningen.
nej, gissar att jag än så länge "hyr" det. Då jag betalar en månadsavgift för utryckning.
Sedan har jag redan en smart plug. Täntke först använda en Fibaro Wall plug som rapporterar om en "alway on" enhet tappar strömmen. Men det är ju en riktigt dyr lösning.
En annan lösning som jag diskuterade i din hemautomationstråd var att göra en websrape av Verisures sida, där finns en händelselogg när jag loggar in.
Men kom igår kväll på att en sensor med Arduino kanske kunde vara lösningen.
Satte i en av mina gamla radiochip i gatewayen ikväll för att "komma igång igen". Ingen extern antenn för tillfället med andra ord.
Hittade faktiskt ett makers space här nere i Skåne inne i Malmö. Fabriken heter det och dom har till och med en introkurs i 3D skrivare nu på onsdag. Hoppas jag får tid att kolla in det då.
Men lite plast och 3D modelleringshjälp kan man nog skapa fina lådor till sensorerna!
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Gratis och tar endast 30 sekunder
Hittade faktiskt ett makers space här nere i Skåne inne i Malmö. Fabriken heter det och dom har till och med en introkurs i 3D skrivare nu på onsdag. Hoppas jag får tid att kolla in det då.
Men lite plast och 3D modelleringshjälp kan man nog skapa fina lådor till sensorerna!
Finns det något knep för att få till Veran att visa Både Fukt å Tempsensorn när man använder DHT 22
Får bara upp en enhet å har testat å lägga till å ta bort några ggr, men samma resultat
Får bara upp en enhet å har testat å lägga till å ta bort några ggr, men samma resultat
Konstigt hoffan... men du kan ju alltid prova att lägg en liten delay mellan presentationerna.. Dom kanske skickas för snabbt efter varandra så gatewayen inte hinner plocka upp den sista..
gw.sendSensorPresentation(0, S_HUM);
gw.sendSensorPresentation(1, S_TEMP);
gw.sendSensorPresentation(0, S_HUM);
gw.sendSensorPresentation(1, S_TEMP);
Då har jag loggat, säger mig inte så mycket men du kanske kan hitta något...
09 11/19/13 11:46:25.824 JobHandler_LuaUPnP::Run device 48 Arduino Gateway Plugin room 0 type urn:schemas-arduino-cc:device:arduino:1 id parent 0/0x9484c8 upnp: 0 <0x2b95f000>
50 11/19/13 11:46:32.871 luup_log:48: Arduino plugin: loading library L_Arduino ... <0x2c293680>
50 11/19/13 11:46:32.902 luup_log:48: Arduino plugin: library L_Arduino loaded <0x2c293680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:32.903 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,PluginVersion, 1.2+, 48 <0x2c293680>
50 11/19/13 11:46:32.903 luup_log:48: Arduino: Serial port is connected <0x2c293680>
50 11/19/13 11:46:32.903 luup_log:48: Arduino: Baud is 115200 <0x2c293680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:32.905 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,Unit, M, 48 <0x2c293680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:32.906 luup_log:48: Arduino: Sending command: 0;0;4;4;Get Version <0x2c293680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:32.929 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;4;1.2+ <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:32.930 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,ArduinoLibVersion, 1.2+, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
06 11/19/13 11:46:32.930 Device_Variable::m_szValue_set device: 48 service: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1 variable: ArduinoLibVersion was: EMPTY now: 1.2+ #hooks: 0 upnp: 0 v:0xb58308/NONE duplicate:0 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:47.408 luup_log:48: Arduino: Sending command: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2f8d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:47.419 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:47.420 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 1, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:47.421 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, 0 devices found, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:47.423 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;0 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:47.423 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 0, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:47.424 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, , 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:47.425 luup_log:48: Arduino: Inclusion mode ended. <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:52.977 luup_log:48: Arduino: Sending command: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2f8d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:52.989 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:52.989 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 1, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:52.990 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, 0 devices found, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:52.992 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;0 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:52.993 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 0, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:52.994 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, , 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:52.995 luup_log:48: Arduino: Inclusion mode ended. <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:00.573 luup_log:48: Arduino: Sending command: 0;0;4;6;0 <0x2fad5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:00.579 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;0 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:00.580 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 0, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:00.581 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, , 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:00.581 luup_log:48: Arduino: Inclusion mode ended. <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:01.625 luup_log:48: Arduino: Sending command: 0;0;4;6;0 <0x2fad5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:01.639 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;0 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:01.640 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 0, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:01.640 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, , 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:01.640 luup_log:48: Arduino: Inclusion mode ended. <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:02.534 luup_log:48: Arduino: Sending command: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2fad5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:02.561 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:02.562 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 1, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:02.563 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, 0 devices found, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:02.565 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;0 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:02.566 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 0, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:02.567 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, , 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:02.568 luup_log:48: Arduino: Inclusion mode ended. <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:07.580 luup_log:48: Arduino: Sending command: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2fad5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:07.589 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:07.589 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 1, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:07.590 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, 0 devices found, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:07.592 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;0 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:07.593 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 0, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:07.594 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, , 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:07.594 luup_log:48: Arduino: Inclusion mode ended. <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:10.580 luup_log:48: Arduino: Sending command: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2fad5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:10.589 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:10.589 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 1, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:10.591 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, 0 devices found, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:10.592 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;0 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:10.593 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 0, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:10.594 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, , 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:10.595 luup_log:48: Arduino: Inclusion mode ended. <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:12.560 luup_log:48: Arduino: Sending command: 0;0;4;6;0 <0x2f8d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:12.569 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;0 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:12.569 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 0, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:12.570 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, , 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:12.570 luup_log:48: Arduino: Inclusion mode ended. <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 12:04:18.103 luup_log:48: Arduino: Sending command: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2f8d5680>
01 11/19/13 12:04:18.109 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 12:04:18.110 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 1, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 12:04:18.111 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, 0 devices found, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 12:04:18.129 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;0 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 12:04:18.130 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 0, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 12:04:18.131 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, , 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 12:04:18.132 luup_log:48: Arduino: Inclusion mode ended. <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 12:04:21.370 luup_log:48: Arduino: Sending command: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2f8d5680>
01 11/19/13 12:04:21.379 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 12:04:21.379 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 1, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 12:04:21.381 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, 0 devices found, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 12:04:21.382 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;0 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 12:04:21.383 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 0, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 12:04:21.384 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, , 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 12:04:21.385 luup_log:48: Arduino: Inclusion mode ended. <0x2f6d5680>
09 11/19/13 12:05:04.910 JobHandler_LuaUPnP::Run device 48 Arduino Gateway Plugin room 0 type urn:schemas-arduino-cc:device:arduino:1 id parent 0/0xc20498 upnp: 0 <0x2b8ac000>
50 11/19/13 12:05:13.379 luup_log:48: Arduino plugin: loading library L_Arduino ... <0x2c1df680>
50 11/19/13 12:05:13.502 luup_log:48: Arduino plugin: library L_Arduino loaded <0x2c1df680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:13.502 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,PluginVersion, 1.2+, 48 <0x2c1df680>
50 11/19/13 12:05:13.502 luup_log:48: Arduino: Serial port is connected <0x2c1df680>
50 11/19/13 12:05:13.503 luup_log:48: Arduino: Baud is 115200 <0x2c1df680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:13.505 luup_log:48: Arduino: Sending command: 0;0;4;4;Get Version <0x2c1df680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:13.519 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;4;1.2+ <0x2fa21680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:13.520 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,ArduinoLibVersion, 1.2+, 48 <0x2fa21680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:18.129 luup_log:48: Arduino: Sending command: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2f821680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:18.139 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2fa21680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:18.140 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 1, 48 <0x2fa21680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:18.141 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, 0 devices found, 48 <0x2fa21680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:18.142 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;0 <0x2fa21680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:18.143 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 0, 48 <0x2fa21680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:18.144 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, , 48 <0x2fa21680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:18.145 luup_log:48: Arduino: Inclusion mode ended. <0x2fa21680>
10 11/19/13 12:05:37.310 Device 48 Description: Arduino Gateway Plugin <0x2b5d3000>
10 11/19/13 12:05:37.468 Device_LuaUPnP::LoadDeviceDoc 48 file D_Arduino1.xml size 1081 result 0 <0x2b5d3000>
10 11/19/13 12:05:37.469 Device_LuaUPnP::LoadDeviceDoc 48 file /etc/cmh-ludl//D_Arduino1.xml finished <0x2b5d3000>
10 11/19/13 12:05:38.336 Device_Variable::m_szValue_set device: 48 service: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1 variable: ArduinoLibVersion startup: 1.2+ v:0xc98dd8/NONE <0x2b5d3000>
25 11/19/13 12:05:38.560 JobHandler_LuaUPnP:arseAllImplementations parsed I_Arduino1.xml <0x2b5d3000>
10 11/19/13 12:05:38.575 Device_LuaUPnP::MatchupImplementations device 48 using implementation: I_Arduino1.xml with 3 services <0x2b5d3000>
25 11/19/13 12:05:47.823 LuaInterface::LuaInterface 0xf4c310 device 48 Arduino Gateway Plugin <0x2b5d3000>
25 11/19/13 12:05:47.844 LuaInterface::LuaInterface build device id's 0xf4c310 device 48 Arduino Gateway Plugin <0x2b5d3000>
25 11/19/13 12:05:47.845 LuaInterface::LuaInterface done 0xf4c310 device 48 Arduino Gateway Plugin <0x2b5d3000>
luup.log("Arduino plugin: loading library L_Arduino ...")
package.loaded.L_Arduino = nil
p = require("L_Arduino")
if (package.loaded.L_Arduino == nil)
luup.log("Arduino plugin: plugin is not installed correctly. Library L_Arduino cannot be loaded.", 1)
luup.task("Plugin not correctly installed", 2, "Arduino plugin", -1)
luup.log("Arduino plugin: library L_Arduino loaded")
function SArduino_arduino1_SendCommand_run(lul_device,lul_settings)
function SArduino_arduino1_SetUnit_run(lul_device,lul_settings)
function SArduino_arduino1_StartInclusion_run(lul_device,lul_settings)
function SArduino_arduino1_StopInclusion_run(lul_device,lul_settings)
09 11/19/13 12:05:48.313 JobHandler_LuaUPnP::Run device 48 Arduino Gateway Plugin room 0 type urn:schemas-arduino-cc:device:arduino:1 id parent 0/0xa87490 upnp: 0 <0x2b5d3000>
25 11/19/13 12:05:51.101 LuImplementation::StartLua device: 48 file:I_Arduino1.xml startup:startup pLuaInterface: 0xf4c310 ip: port 3481 protocol: (null) <0x2bf07680>
10 11/19/13 12:05:51.107 XXX-UpdateSystemMessagesTasks now 1=Arduino Gateway Plugin[48]: Opening IO Port timeout 0 (-1384859151) count: 13pend:Opening IO Port/errnull)/donenull) <0x2bd07680>
10 11/19/13 12:05:51.113 XXX-UpdateSystemMessagesTasks now 1=Arduino Gateway Plugin[48]: Opening IO Port timeout 0 (-1384859151) count: 13pend:Opening IO Port/errnull)/donenull) <0x2bd07680>
10 11/19/13 12:05:51.120 XXX-UpdateSystemMessagesTasks now 1=Arduino Gateway Plugin[48]: Opening IO Port timeout 0 (-1384859151) count: 13pend:Opening IO Port/errnull)/donenull) <0x2bd07680>
10 11/19/13 12:05:51.126 XXX-UpdateSystemMessagesTasks now 1=Arduino Gateway Plugin[48]: Opening IO Port timeout 0 (-1384859151) count: 13pend:Opening IO Port/errnull)/donenull) <0x2bd07680>
25 11/19/13 12:05:51.205 LuImplementation::StartLua running startup code for 48 I_Arduino1.xml <0x2bf07680>
50 11/19/13 12:05:51.206 luup_log:48: Arduino plugin: loading library L_Arduino ... <0x2bf07680>
10 11/19/13 12:05:51.223 XXX-UpdateSystemMessagesTasks now 1=Arduino Gateway Plugin[48]: Running Lua Startup timeout 0 (-1384859151) count: 13pend:Running Lua Startup/errnull)/donenull) <0x2bd07680>
50 11/19/13 12:05:51.301 luup_log:48: Arduino plugin: library L_Arduino loaded <0x2bf07680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:51.301 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,PluginVersion, 1.2+, 48 <0x2bf07680>
50 11/19/13 12:05:51.302 luup_log:48: Arduino: Serial port is connected <0x2bf07680>
50 11/19/13 12:05:51.302 luup_log:48: Arduino: Baud is 115200 <0x2bf07680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:51.304 luup_log:48: Arduino: Sending command: 0;0;4;4;Get Version <0x2bf07680>
10 11/19/13 12:05:51.342 XXX-UpdateSystemMessagesTasks StartupTask #12 = 4 OK / Arduino Gateway Plugin[48] <0x2bd07680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:51.349 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;4;1.2+ <0x2f549680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:51.350 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,ArduinoLibVersion, 1.2+, 48 <0x2f549680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:56.497 luup_log:48: Arduino: Sending command: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2f78a680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:56.509 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2f549680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:56.510 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 1, 48 <0x2f549680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:56.512 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, 0 devices found, 48 <0x2f549680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:56.514 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;0 <0x2f549680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:56.515 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 0, 48 <0x2f549680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:56.516 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, , 48 <0x2f549680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:56.518 luup_log:48: Arduino: Inclusion mode ended. <0x2f549680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:58.545 luup_log:48: Arduino: Sending command: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2f307680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:58.559 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2f549680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:58.560 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 1, 48 <0x2f549680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:58.561 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, 0 devices found, 48 <0x2f549680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:58.564 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;0 <0x2f549680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:58.564 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 0, 48 <0x2f549680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:58.566 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, , 48 <0x2f549680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:58.568 luup_log:48: Arduino: Inclusion mode ended. <0x2f549680>
09 11/19/13 12:08:09.608 JobHandler_LuaUPnP::Run device 48 Arduino Gateway Plugin room 0 type urn:schemas-arduino-cc:device:arduino:1 id parent 0/0x9fb518 upnp: 0 <0x2b8c3000>
50 11/19/13 12:08:17.259 luup_log:48: Arduino plugin: loading library L_Arduino ... <0x2bff7680>
50 11/19/13 12:08:17.288 luup_log:48: Arduino plugin: library L_Arduino loaded <0x2bff7680>
01 11/19/13 12:08:17.289 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,PluginVersion, 1.2+, 48 <0x2bff7680>
50 11/19/13 12:08:17.289 luup_log:48: Arduino: Serial port is connected <0x2bff7680>
50 11/19/13 12:08:17.290 luup_log:48: Arduino: Baud is 115200 <0x2bff7680>
01 11/19/13 12:08:17.292 luup_log:48: Arduino: Sending command: 0;0;4;4;Get Version <0x2bff7680>
01 11/19/13 12:08:17.299 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;4;1.2+ <0x2f839680>
01 11/19/13 12:08:17.299 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,ArduinoLibVersion, 1.2+, 48 <0x2f839680>
01 11/19/13 12:20:23.865 luup_log:48: Arduino: Sending command: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2f639680>
01 11/19/13 12:20:23.873 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2f839680>
01 11/19/13 12:20:23.874 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 1, 48 <0x2f839680>
01 11/19/13 12:20:23.875 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, 0 devices found, 48 <0x2f839680>
01 11/19/13 12:20:23.877 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;0 <0x2f839680>
01 11/19/13 12:20:23.877 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 0, 48 <0x2f839680>
01 11/19/13 12:20:23.878 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, , 48 <0x2f839680>
01 11/19/13 12:20:23.879 luup_log:48: Arduino: Inclusion mode ended. <0x2f839680>
Då har jag loggat, säger mig inte så mycket men du kanske kan hitta något...
09 11/19/13 11:46:25.824 JobHandler_LuaUPnP::Run device 48 Arduino Gateway Plugin room 0 type urn:schemas-arduino-cc:device:arduino:1 id parent 0/0x9484c8 upnp: 0 <0x2b95f000>
50 11/19/13 11:46:32.871 luup_log:48: Arduino plugin: loading library L_Arduino ... <0x2c293680>
50 11/19/13 11:46:32.902 luup_log:48: Arduino plugin: library L_Arduino loaded <0x2c293680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:32.903 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,PluginVersion, 1.2+, 48 <0x2c293680>
50 11/19/13 11:46:32.903 luup_log:48: Arduino: Serial port is connected <0x2c293680>
50 11/19/13 11:46:32.903 luup_log:48: Arduino: Baud is 115200 <0x2c293680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:32.905 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,Unit, M, 48 <0x2c293680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:32.906 luup_log:48: Arduino: Sending command: 0;0;4;4;Get Version <0x2c293680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:32.929 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;4;1.2+ <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:32.930 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,ArduinoLibVersion, 1.2+, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
06 11/19/13 11:46:32.930 Device_Variable::m_szValue_set device: 48 service: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1 variable: ArduinoLibVersion was: EMPTY now: 1.2+ #hooks: 0 upnp: 0 v:0xb58308/NONE duplicate:0 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:47.408 luup_log:48: Arduino: Sending command: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2f8d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:47.419 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:47.420 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 1, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:47.421 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, 0 devices found, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:47.423 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;0 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:47.423 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 0, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:47.424 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, , 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:47.425 luup_log:48: Arduino: Inclusion mode ended. <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:52.977 luup_log:48: Arduino: Sending command: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2f8d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:52.989 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:52.989 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 1, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:52.990 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, 0 devices found, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:52.992 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;0 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:52.993 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 0, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:52.994 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, , 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:46:52.995 luup_log:48: Arduino: Inclusion mode ended. <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:00.573 luup_log:48: Arduino: Sending command: 0;0;4;6;0 <0x2fad5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:00.579 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;0 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:00.580 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 0, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:00.581 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, , 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:00.581 luup_log:48: Arduino: Inclusion mode ended. <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:01.625 luup_log:48: Arduino: Sending command: 0;0;4;6;0 <0x2fad5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:01.639 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;0 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:01.640 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 0, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:01.640 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, , 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:01.640 luup_log:48: Arduino: Inclusion mode ended. <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:02.534 luup_log:48: Arduino: Sending command: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2fad5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:02.561 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:02.562 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 1, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:02.563 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, 0 devices found, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:02.565 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;0 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:02.566 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 0, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:02.567 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, , 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:02.568 luup_log:48: Arduino: Inclusion mode ended. <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:07.580 luup_log:48: Arduino: Sending command: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2fad5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:07.589 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:07.589 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 1, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:07.590 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, 0 devices found, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:07.592 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;0 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:07.593 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 0, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:07.594 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, , 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:07.594 luup_log:48: Arduino: Inclusion mode ended. <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:10.580 luup_log:48: Arduino: Sending command: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2fad5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:10.589 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:10.589 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 1, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:10.591 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, 0 devices found, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:10.592 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;0 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:10.593 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 0, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:10.594 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, , 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:10.595 luup_log:48: Arduino: Inclusion mode ended. <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:12.560 luup_log:48: Arduino: Sending command: 0;0;4;6;0 <0x2f8d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:12.569 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;0 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:12.569 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 0, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:12.570 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, , 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 11:47:12.570 luup_log:48: Arduino: Inclusion mode ended. <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 12:04:18.103 luup_log:48: Arduino: Sending command: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2f8d5680>
01 11/19/13 12:04:18.109 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 12:04:18.110 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 1, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 12:04:18.111 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, 0 devices found, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 12:04:18.129 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;0 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 12:04:18.130 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 0, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 12:04:18.131 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, , 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 12:04:18.132 luup_log:48: Arduino: Inclusion mode ended. <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 12:04:21.370 luup_log:48: Arduino: Sending command: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2f8d5680>
01 11/19/13 12:04:21.379 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 12:04:21.379 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 1, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 12:04:21.381 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, 0 devices found, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 12:04:21.382 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;0 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 12:04:21.383 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 0, 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 12:04:21.384 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, , 48 <0x2f6d5680>
01 11/19/13 12:04:21.385 luup_log:48: Arduino: Inclusion mode ended. <0x2f6d5680>
09 11/19/13 12:05:04.910 JobHandler_LuaUPnP::Run device 48 Arduino Gateway Plugin room 0 type urn:schemas-arduino-cc:device:arduino:1 id parent 0/0xc20498 upnp: 0 <0x2b8ac000>
50 11/19/13 12:05:13.379 luup_log:48: Arduino plugin: loading library L_Arduino ... <0x2c1df680>
50 11/19/13 12:05:13.502 luup_log:48: Arduino plugin: library L_Arduino loaded <0x2c1df680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:13.502 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,PluginVersion, 1.2+, 48 <0x2c1df680>
50 11/19/13 12:05:13.502 luup_log:48: Arduino: Serial port is connected <0x2c1df680>
50 11/19/13 12:05:13.503 luup_log:48: Arduino: Baud is 115200 <0x2c1df680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:13.505 luup_log:48: Arduino: Sending command: 0;0;4;4;Get Version <0x2c1df680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:13.519 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;4;1.2+ <0x2fa21680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:13.520 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,ArduinoLibVersion, 1.2+, 48 <0x2fa21680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:18.129 luup_log:48: Arduino: Sending command: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2f821680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:18.139 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2fa21680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:18.140 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 1, 48 <0x2fa21680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:18.141 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, 0 devices found, 48 <0x2fa21680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:18.142 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;0 <0x2fa21680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:18.143 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 0, 48 <0x2fa21680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:18.144 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, , 48 <0x2fa21680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:18.145 luup_log:48: Arduino: Inclusion mode ended. <0x2fa21680>
10 11/19/13 12:05:37.310 Device 48 Description: Arduino Gateway Plugin <0x2b5d3000>
10 11/19/13 12:05:37.468 Device_LuaUPnP::LoadDeviceDoc 48 file D_Arduino1.xml size 1081 result 0 <0x2b5d3000>
10 11/19/13 12:05:37.469 Device_LuaUPnP::LoadDeviceDoc 48 file /etc/cmh-ludl//D_Arduino1.xml finished <0x2b5d3000>
10 11/19/13 12:05:38.336 Device_Variable::m_szValue_set device: 48 service: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1 variable: ArduinoLibVersion startup: 1.2+ v:0xc98dd8/NONE <0x2b5d3000>
25 11/19/13 12:05:38.560 JobHandler_LuaUPnP:arseAllImplementations parsed I_Arduino1.xml <0x2b5d3000>
10 11/19/13 12:05:38.575 Device_LuaUPnP::MatchupImplementations device 48 using implementation: I_Arduino1.xml with 3 services <0x2b5d3000>
25 11/19/13 12:05:47.823 LuaInterface::LuaInterface 0xf4c310 device 48 Arduino Gateway Plugin <0x2b5d3000>
25 11/19/13 12:05:47.844 LuaInterface::LuaInterface build device id's 0xf4c310 device 48 Arduino Gateway Plugin <0x2b5d3000>
25 11/19/13 12:05:47.845 LuaInterface::LuaInterface done 0xf4c310 device 48 Arduino Gateway Plugin <0x2b5d3000>
luup.log("Arduino plugin: loading library L_Arduino ...")
package.loaded.L_Arduino = nil
p = require("L_Arduino")
if (package.loaded.L_Arduino == nil)
luup.log("Arduino plugin: plugin is not installed correctly. Library L_Arduino cannot be loaded.", 1)
luup.task("Plugin not correctly installed", 2, "Arduino plugin", -1)
luup.log("Arduino plugin: library L_Arduino loaded")
function SArduino_arduino1_SendCommand_run(lul_device,lul_settings)
function SArduino_arduino1_SetUnit_run(lul_device,lul_settings)
function SArduino_arduino1_StartInclusion_run(lul_device,lul_settings)
function SArduino_arduino1_StopInclusion_run(lul_device,lul_settings)
09 11/19/13 12:05:48.313 JobHandler_LuaUPnP::Run device 48 Arduino Gateway Plugin room 0 type urn:schemas-arduino-cc:device:arduino:1 id parent 0/0xa87490 upnp: 0 <0x2b5d3000>
25 11/19/13 12:05:51.101 LuImplementation::StartLua device: 48 file:I_Arduino1.xml startup:startup pLuaInterface: 0xf4c310 ip: port 3481 protocol: (null) <0x2bf07680>
10 11/19/13 12:05:51.107 XXX-UpdateSystemMessagesTasks now 1=Arduino Gateway Plugin[48]: Opening IO Port timeout 0 (-1384859151) count: 13pend:Opening IO Port/errnull)/donenull) <0x2bd07680>
10 11/19/13 12:05:51.113 XXX-UpdateSystemMessagesTasks now 1=Arduino Gateway Plugin[48]: Opening IO Port timeout 0 (-1384859151) count: 13pend:Opening IO Port/errnull)/donenull) <0x2bd07680>
10 11/19/13 12:05:51.120 XXX-UpdateSystemMessagesTasks now 1=Arduino Gateway Plugin[48]: Opening IO Port timeout 0 (-1384859151) count: 13pend:Opening IO Port/errnull)/donenull) <0x2bd07680>
10 11/19/13 12:05:51.126 XXX-UpdateSystemMessagesTasks now 1=Arduino Gateway Plugin[48]: Opening IO Port timeout 0 (-1384859151) count: 13pend:Opening IO Port/errnull)/donenull) <0x2bd07680>
25 11/19/13 12:05:51.205 LuImplementation::StartLua running startup code for 48 I_Arduino1.xml <0x2bf07680>
50 11/19/13 12:05:51.206 luup_log:48: Arduino plugin: loading library L_Arduino ... <0x2bf07680>
10 11/19/13 12:05:51.223 XXX-UpdateSystemMessagesTasks now 1=Arduino Gateway Plugin[48]: Running Lua Startup timeout 0 (-1384859151) count: 13pend:Running Lua Startup/errnull)/donenull) <0x2bd07680>
50 11/19/13 12:05:51.301 luup_log:48: Arduino plugin: library L_Arduino loaded <0x2bf07680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:51.301 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,PluginVersion, 1.2+, 48 <0x2bf07680>
50 11/19/13 12:05:51.302 luup_log:48: Arduino: Serial port is connected <0x2bf07680>
50 11/19/13 12:05:51.302 luup_log:48: Arduino: Baud is 115200 <0x2bf07680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:51.304 luup_log:48: Arduino: Sending command: 0;0;4;4;Get Version <0x2bf07680>
10 11/19/13 12:05:51.342 XXX-UpdateSystemMessagesTasks StartupTask #12 = 4 OK / Arduino Gateway Plugin[48] <0x2bd07680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:51.349 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;4;1.2+ <0x2f549680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:51.350 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,ArduinoLibVersion, 1.2+, 48 <0x2f549680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:56.497 luup_log:48: Arduino: Sending command: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2f78a680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:56.509 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2f549680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:56.510 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 1, 48 <0x2f549680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:56.512 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, 0 devices found, 48 <0x2f549680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:56.514 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;0 <0x2f549680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:56.515 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 0, 48 <0x2f549680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:56.516 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, , 48 <0x2f549680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:56.518 luup_log:48: Arduino: Inclusion mode ended. <0x2f549680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:58.545 luup_log:48: Arduino: Sending command: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2f307680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:58.559 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2f549680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:58.560 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 1, 48 <0x2f549680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:58.561 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, 0 devices found, 48 <0x2f549680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:58.564 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;0 <0x2f549680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:58.564 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 0, 48 <0x2f549680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:58.566 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, , 48 <0x2f549680>
01 11/19/13 12:05:58.568 luup_log:48: Arduino: Inclusion mode ended. <0x2f549680>
09 11/19/13 12:08:09.608 JobHandler_LuaUPnP::Run device 48 Arduino Gateway Plugin room 0 type urn:schemas-arduino-cc:device:arduino:1 id parent 0/0x9fb518 upnp: 0 <0x2b8c3000>
50 11/19/13 12:08:17.259 luup_log:48: Arduino plugin: loading library L_Arduino ... <0x2bff7680>
50 11/19/13 12:08:17.288 luup_log:48: Arduino plugin: library L_Arduino loaded <0x2bff7680>
01 11/19/13 12:08:17.289 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,PluginVersion, 1.2+, 48 <0x2bff7680>
50 11/19/13 12:08:17.289 luup_log:48: Arduino: Serial port is connected <0x2bff7680>
50 11/19/13 12:08:17.290 luup_log:48: Arduino: Baud is 115200 <0x2bff7680>
01 11/19/13 12:08:17.292 luup_log:48: Arduino: Sending command: 0;0;4;4;Get Version <0x2bff7680>
01 11/19/13 12:08:17.299 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;4;1.2+ <0x2f839680>
01 11/19/13 12:08:17.299 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,ArduinoLibVersion, 1.2+, 48 <0x2f839680>
01 11/19/13 12:20:23.865 luup_log:48: Arduino: Sending command: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2f639680>
01 11/19/13 12:20:23.873 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;1 <0x2f839680>
01 11/19/13 12:20:23.874 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 1, 48 <0x2f839680>
01 11/19/13 12:20:23.875 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, 0 devices found, 48 <0x2f839680>
01 11/19/13 12:20:23.877 luup_log:48: Arduino: 0;0;4;6;0 <0x2f839680>
01 11/19/13 12:20:23.877 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionMode, 0, 48 <0x2f839680>
01 11/19/13 12:20:23.878 luup_log:48: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,InclusionFoundCountHR, , 48 <0x2f839680>
01 11/19/13 12:20:23.879 luup_log:48: Arduino: Inclusion mode ended. <0x2f839680>
Du verkar lyckas att starta inkluderingläget iallafall. Men det ser inte ut som du får in några presentationer från din sensor...
Du vet att du också måste starta om din sensor när du ställt gatewayen i inkluderingsläge hoppas jag? För den skickar normalt bara presentationen under uppstart.
1. Slå på inkluderingsläge.
2. Starta om din sensor.
Du vet att du också måste starta om din sensor när du ställt gatewayen i inkluderingsläge hoppas jag? För den skickar normalt bara presentationen under uppstart.
1. Slå på inkluderingsläge.
2. Starta om din sensor.
Oj.. det såg jag inte.. kan du prova att koppla ur irq-signalen från radion (pinne 8) till din arduino i gatewayen. Alternativt använda den andra konstruktorn i gateway koden som är bortkommenterad. Misstänker att radiotrafiken stänger av inkluderingläget (för du har ingen fysik knapp inkopplad på pinne 3 antar jag?).
Provade att plocka bort irq pinnen, men ingen skillnad...
Koden är redan ändrad, jag kan koppla in fysisk knapp om det hjälper...
Vad tråkigt det är när man gått o väntat på grejer och så funkar det inte, men tur i oturen så är jag hemma och vabbar =)
Koden är redan ändrad, jag kan koppla in fysisk knapp om det hjälper...
Vad tråkigt det är när man gått o väntat på grejer och så funkar det inte, men tur i oturen så är jag hemma och vabbar =)