8 037 302 läst · 39 189 svar
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Humorhörnan ...
· Jönköping
· 5 671 inlägg
Om man ska installera elsystem på en båt måste man väl ha flytande jord?
A wife says to her husband, a computer scientist:Hyltran från Veglemyren skrev:
“Could you please go to the market and buy a carton of milk and if they have eggs please buy 6”
So the husband goes to the supermarket and comes back with 6 cartons of milk
When she sees that the wife asks: “Why did you do that?”
And the husband replies: “Well they had eggs.”
· Västra Götaland
· 2 329 inlägg
Påminner om när min son frågade mig om gräsmattan hade udda eller jämnt antal grässtrån och jag svarade "ja".pjgb skrev:A wife says to her husband, a computer scientist:
“Could you please go to the market and buy a carton of milk and if they have eggs please buy 6”
So the husband goes to the supermarket and comes back with 6 cartons of milk
When she sees that the wife asks: “Why did you do that?”
And the husband replies: “Well they had eggs.”
· Västra Götaland
· 2 329 inlägg
· Jönköping
· 5 671 inlägg
· Jönköping
· 5 671 inlägg
En annan make kom hem efter samma order från frun och hade då besökt en glädjeflicka på vägen hem eftersom det fanns ägg i butiken....pjgb skrev:A wife says to her husband, a computer scientist:
“Could you please go to the market and buy a carton of milk and if they have eggs please buy 6”
So the husband goes to the supermarket and comes back with 6 cartons of milk
When she sees that the wife asks: “Why did you do that?”
And the husband replies: “Well they had eggs.”