81 235 läst · 228 svar
81k läst
228 svar
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well, har handtverkaren sagt ett par dagar (vilket jag inte tror att han sagt, utan det är bara ts som hittar på det) och det sen tar 160h så är det såklart helt orimligt.P PHPersson skrev:
Faktiskt så illa att ts kan bestrida fakturan och driva den till en tvist. Finns gränser på hur mycket ett arbete får avvika i timmar/pris när man muntligt gett en uppskattning, även om man sagt att det är löpande. Och då är det max 15%.
Så har plattis uppskattat det till ett par dagar så kan vi tex räkna högt räknat. 4dagar = 32h +15% = ca 37h
Och lägger vi då till en person till så blir det ändå bara 74 timmar. Så ja det finns nog skäl att de pratar med varandra så han kan förklara hur det kommer sig att det skenade iväg. 74h är väsentligt mycket mer än det som uppsakttades.
Däremot så ligger det på ts att vidare ha frågat om dagarna är beräknade på en person eller två.
Har handtverkaren däremot inte påtalat att det gäller två personer, så ligger det till Ts fördel om det blir tvist. Då om inget annat sagt, förutsätts att det gäller en person.
Men som sagt, känns som det ligger mycket mer bakom än vad ts säger. Något känns bara off
The original post mentions a bathroom of 27 m2. Not the surface of the walls or tiles. If you say that a hall or bedroom is 30 m2, how do you understand that? I mean the surface of the floor. But the ending of your post says a lot about your level of intellect, so I'm not surprised you don't understand it.H hhallen skrev:
The translation software that I guess you're using must be substandard if you formed the impression that the poster said the floor area of his bathroom is 27 square meters. He said, correctly translated:S sturnus skrev:The original post mentions a bathroom of 27 m2. Not the surface of the walls or tiles. If you say that a hall or bedroom is 30 m2, how do you understand that? I mean the surface of the floor. But the ending of your post says a lot about your level of intellect, so I'm not surprised you don't understand it.
"In my bathroom, 27 square meters will take about 1 to 1.5 weeks".
This clearly refers to the area that is to be tiled, which, in a bathroom, must be assumed to mean the walls, or possibly both the walls and the floor.
I'm not going to comment on your level of intellect - the forum members, I'm sure, can judge that for themselves.
Original:H hhallen skrev:
"In my bathroom 27 square meters will take about 1 to 1.5 weeks"
You added a comma that radically changes the meaning of the sentence. In the original there is no comma, so it refers to a 27m2 bathroom. Did I also misunderstand "ass"?
The comma is necessary to translate the original sentence into correct English. The statement in question definitely refers to the area that is to be tiled, as anyone who has Swedish as his or her native language can attest. And anyway, even without the comma the translated sentence does not mean that the floor area of the room is 27 square meters. Your grasp of English seems to be as poor as your grasp of Swedish.S sturnus skrev:
I think you picked the wrong bird genus for your nick. You should have chosen Sula instead of Sturnus.
In my bathroom 27 square meters will take about 1 to 1.5 weeks
In my bathroom, 27 m2 will take about 1 to 1.5 weeks
In my bathroom 27 m2 will take about 1 to 1.5 weeks
Punctuation works the same in all languages. The lack of a comma tells us that the bathroom is 27 m2.
Ok. Write me these two sentences in Swedish.H hhallen skrev:The comma is necessary to translate the original sentence into correct English. The statement in question definitely refers to the area that is to be tiled, as anyone who has Swedish as his or her native language can attest. And anyway, even without the comma the translated sentence does not mean that the floor area of the room is 27 square meters. Your grasp of English seems to be as poor as your grasp of Swedish.
I think you picked the wrong bird genus for your nick. You should have chosen Sula instead of Sturnus.
In my bathroom, 27 m2 will take about 1 to 1.5 weeks
In my bathroom 27 m2 will take about 1 to 1.5 weeks
Punctuation works the same in all languages. The lack of a comma tells us that the bathroom is 27 m2.
1. I mitt badrum kommer 27 kvadratmeter att ta ungefär 1 till 1.5 vecka.S sturnus skrev:In my bathroom 27 square meters will take about 1 to 1.5 weeks
Ok. Write me these two sentences in Swedish.
In my bathroom, 27 m2 will take about 1 to 1.5 weeks
In my bathroom 27 m2 will take about 1 to 1.5 weeks
Punctuation works the same in all languages. The lack of a comma tells us that the bathroom is 27 m2.
2. I mitt badrum kommer 27 kvadratmeter att ta ungefär 1 till 1.5 vecka.
The second version (without the comma) is hardly correct English at all, and it definitely does not mean that the floor area is 27 square meters. If you wish to state that the floor area is 27 square meters, you would have to use a construct like "In my bathroom, which is 27 square meters, ..."
You are also mistaken in your statement that punctuation works the same in all languages. It does not; conventions differ. Some languages, like English, use the comma more extensively than we do in Swedish.
You seem to be an extraordinarily pig-headed individual though, so I don't expect this to sway your opinion.
Men hela den här tråden handlar om m2 att kakla, golvytan räcker inte som parameter över det så varför i hela friden skulle han/hon prata om golvyta? Tagga ner och med tanke på att du skriver på engelska och inte på Svenska på ett svenskt forum kanske inte just språkkunskap är det du skall använda när du mäter intelligens.H hhallen skrev:The comma is necessary to translate the original sentence into correct English. The statement in question definitely refers to the area that is to be tiled, as anyone who has Swedish as his or her native language can attest. And anyway, even without the comma the translated sentence does not mean that the floor area of the room is 27 square meters. Your grasp of English seems to be as poor as your grasp of Swedish.
I think you picked the wrong bird genus for your nick. You should have chosen Sula instead of Sturnus.
So the sentence: my three floor house - is also incorrect? According to you, it should be written "My house which have three floors"? To get into your digression about bird names, I think you were given to someone by Cuckoo ;-)H hhallen skrev:
Sorry, jag citerade fel person. Menade såklart den andras inlägg ”sturnus” men går inte att redigera.H hhallen skrev:1. I mitt badrum kommer 27 kvadratmeter att ta ungefär 1 till 1.5 vecka.
2. I mitt badrum kommer 27 kvadratmeter att ta ungefär 1 till 1.5 vecka.
The second version (without the comma) is hardly correct English at all, and it definitely does not mean that the floor area is 27 square meters. If you wish to state that the floor area is 27 square meters, you would have to use a construct like "In my bathroom, which is 27 square meters, ..."
You are also mistaken in your statement that punctuation works the same in all languages. It does not; conventions differ. Some languages, like English, use the comma more extensively than we do in Swedish.
You seem to be an extraordinarily pig-headed individual though, so I don't expect this to sway your opinion.
"My three story house" or "My house, which has three stories" are correct..S sturnus skrev:
None of yours is.
We have already soiled the thread with too much irrelevant stuff, so this will be my last reply to you:S sturnus skrev:
No, the construct "my three floor house" is not incorrect. Also, it is not an analogue to "my bathroom 27 sq m". That would be "my 27 sq m bathroom", which is also a correct construct.
In any case, the poster wrote in Swedish, and he clearly was referring to the area to be tiled, so the fact remains that you misunderstood when you assumed that his bathroom has a floor area of 27 sq m.