Z Zakalwe skrev:
The brine pump must spin when compressor is working, or brine will get too cold and computer will shut it down with error and start resistive emergency heating.

To troubleshoot, turn on brine pump to continious operation and reset errors/recycle the power switch to get it to start operating.

P.S. Make sure you have brine topped up
I did the power resetting and now it is working back again as before.. but the problem with LP still persists. Looking around for a possible solution
Do the bubbles disappear? They should after a few seconds.

Did you change the P3 pump to always run?
j.f.s j.f.s skrev:
Do the bubbles disappear? They should after a few seconds.

Did you change the P3 pump to always run?
No they don't disappear.. they used to disappear after few minutes when the compressor starts, but lately when the cold reached low levels, the pump was working more frequently and I see now the bubbles always there when the compressor is working.

I put back the settings for P3 (5.11) as it was before. P3 med komp.
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What are temps for kb-in and kb-ut (brine) when compressor has been running for longer time producing heat?
Z Zakalwe skrev:
What are temps for kb-in and kb-ut (brine) when compressor has been running for longer time producing heat?
Currently the compressor has been running for some time.. the readings are:

GT10 (kb in)= 3.6
GT11 (kb ut)= 0.4

Earlier today in another cycle with compressor working, it reported:

GT10 (kb in)= 3.1
GT11 (kb ut)= -0.2
What’s the temperature of Hetgas when the compressor has been running for at least 10 minutes?

The fact that the bubbles remain might indicate air pocket or low brine level even though you have payed for both a refill with additional pumping. Is the brine filter cleaned as well?

There is a factory menu available but be VERY careful if you choose to enter it. Those vaules are the ones set by the factory. IIRC you can clear the alarm log from that menu.
Hetgas? is that the compressor temp? GT6?
Yes I believe so. I added more info to my previous response as well :)
If you do decide to go to the factory menu you access it like this: Go to menu 5, then 5.12, hold the two rightmost buttons until the message ACCESS = FABRIK shows
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En hand trycker på knappar på en panel med LCD-skärm som visar texten "Version 3.04 Tillbaka".
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Maskinpanel med knappar, gröna lysdioder och LCD-visning med texten "Access = FABRIK". Två fingrar rör vid knappar.
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j.f.s j.f.s skrev:
Yes I believe so. I added more info to my previous response as well :)
GT6 reads around 66 degrees now.. the compressor has been running for some time now.

I don't recall the compressor running that often b4 and I am worried it gets exhausted and lose it.. so honestly I wouldn't mind that heating runs sometimes on electricity (elpatron). I happen to have a fixed electricity price for the coming 2 years at low price (66 öre).

But I will definitely now call the maintenance to look into the bubbles thing in the sightseeing glass.

We are off on vacation next week for 1 week. What would you recommend to do while away? I have now the heat curve currently set to 1.8, it is giving us around 21-23 degrees inside. I was thinking to put it down to around 1..
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j.f.s j.f.s skrev:
If you do decide to go to the factory menu you access it like this: Go to menu 5, then 5.12, hold the two rightmost buttons until the message ACCESS = FABRIK shows
You think it is a settings thing? I am doubting now it is a physical fault..
I am not sure I will do that now, but your suggestion for 5.11 and power reset helped a lot yesterday to stop the jamming.. thanks a lot for that (y):)
No, I suggest you leave the settings under the factory mode alone BUT you can clear the alarm log with that access. I was more thinking along the lines that the alarm you were unable to confirm might be stuck or in some way blocking functionallity.

You can probably lower the heat curve. Whish we could go as low as you (currently on 5) :rofl:

Keep an eye on the temps. Brine should have delta of 3-5, värmebärare should have a delta of 7-10 and Hetgas I honestly don't know but if it suddenly drop or goes way up the sensor might be faulty=giving the computer incorrect info. To low or too high delta may also throw the heat pump into panic mode.

If you want remote logging and some remote adjustment capability I suggest buying a H60. I have one myself. https://www.husdata.se/produkter.asp
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We have a HT-C9, and according to the logs the hot gas starts at approx 60degrees when running, to around 100 after running the whole night, or 90 after 2h. Peaks at 110 when doing hot water after running the whole night.

Please note that this depends on the outgoing heating water temperature, hotter water means hotter gas.
Quite similiar gas temps in my logs as well. The reason for it dropping is when the compressor is resting.
Graf som visar temperaturhistorik för het gas/kompressor, fluktuationer över tid, information uppdaterad nyligen.
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j.f.s j.f.s skrev:
Quite similiar gas temps in my logs as well. The reason for it dropping is when the compressor is resting.
The GT6 on our system is something like that.. when working it can go up to 70-80 degrees. and when idle around 20-30 degrees. I have decreased the hot water level to around 45 degrees if I remember correctly, and the heat curve is around 1.8 which sets target level at around 31-32 degrees (if I understood the levels correctly).
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