j.f.s j.f.s skrev:
No, I suggest you leave the settings under the factory mode alone BUT you can clear the alarm log with that access. I was more thinking along the lines that the alarm you were unable to confirm might be stuck or in some way blocking functionallity.

You can probably lower the heat curve. Whish we could go as low as you (currently on 5) :rofl:

Keep an eye on the temps. Brine should have delta of 3-5, värmebärare should have a delta of 7-10 and Hetgas I honestly don't know but if it suddenly drop or goes way up the sensor might be faulty=giving the computer incorrect info. To low or too high delta may also throw the heat pump into panic mode.

If you want remote logging and some remote adjustment capability I suggest buying a H60. I have one myself. [länk]
I will get the service company to check the bubbles in the sight glass so hopefully they can figure out why the LP is showing up (I DOUBT though)..

The temp difference seems good on both ends. on hot side, I always see smth around 7-10 degrees when the compressor is running. On the cold side, the difference is 3-5 but the levels varies, I think this is related to the temp. outside, right?

How do you connect the H60? through RG45? is it only read? or read/write? can you acknowledge an alarm with it? or change settings?
Deltas and temps seem to be ok. (y)

Cold side temps will vary based on mutch much the heat pump is extracting from the brine. The actual temp isn’t crucial but it is important that both sensors, brine in & out, is reporting the same temp when P3 isn’t running and that the delta isn’t too high.

I checked my Greenline C7 HT+ yesterday and it takes under a minute for the bubbles to disappear. It is normal that you see them when the compressor starts.

You can change the dark grey area in the picture but the most important thing is that you see all the info from the heat pump. You cannot confirm or see the alarms only see that it has triggered.
There’s a port on a small logical board on the heat pump where it attaches via a serial port.

  • Skärmdump av värmepump eller HVAC-systemets gränssnitt med temperaturinställningar och driftinformation.
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