Is this a log house? I once saw a case that a 3-storey house shortened at the height by ... 15 cm! it was built of badly dried wood and when it started to be used after a month it was necessary to start renovation!
T T.DCR skrev:
och entrepenören påstår att man kan , genom att sätta dit tunnare gipsskivor, ordna så att man får extra 1.5 cm
Jag blir lite nyfiken på hur man ska vinna 1.5cm genom att sätta tunnare gipsskivor.
Hade entreprenören tänkt sätta dubbelgips i taket men vill nu begränsa sig till enkelgips?
6mm gypsum board and 10mm chipboard on the floor
G Gabbe1 skrev:
Jag blir lite nyfiken på hur man ska vinna 1.5cm genom att sätta tunnare gipsskivor.
Hade entreprenören tänkt sätta dubbelgips i taket men vill nu begränsa sig till enkelgips?
6mm gypsum board and 10mm chipboard on the floor :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Det där är klantigt men sånt som händer..

Vad är byggarens kontraktssumma på?

En ersättning har ni rätt till, kanske 20-30k är skäligt.

MVH Erik
20-30k SEK may not be enough if custom-made furniture was ordered! Or stair? It is very possible that the dimension between 1st and 2nd floors is also smaller!
S sturnus skrev:
20-30k SEK may not be enough if custom-made furniture was ordered! Or stair? It is very possible that the dimension between 1st and 2nd floors is also smaller!
Highly unlikely! But yes.
Det blir lägre uppvärmningskostnader med lägre takhöjd
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E erikjakan skrev:
Highly unlikely! But yes.
It is highly unlikely that furniture or stairs are ready, but design and execution drawings also cost money! ;-)
G GA Anderson skrev:
Det blir lägre uppvärmningskostnader med lägre takhöjd
And to the upstairs bedroom closer! And smaller to falling! Only advantages!
S sturnus skrev:
It is highly unlikely that furniture or stairs are ready, but design and execution drawings also cost money! ;-)
Stairs is most likely not affected by a lower ceeling hight..

Furniture could be, but very unlikely
E erikjakan skrev:
Stairs is most likely not affected by a lower ceeling hight..
the lower ceiling was created from too low fastening of the joists. The floor is fixed to these joists. If the contractor installs an additional 5 cm thick grate on the joists, then OK, otherwise the stairs must be lower by 5 centimeters
S sturnus skrev:
the lower ceiling was created from too low fastening of the joists. The floor is fixed to these joists. If the contractor installs an additional 5 cm thick grate on the joists, then OK, otherwise the stairs must be lower by 5 centimeters
Where can you find that info about the joists?

Yes, and that's usually no issue if it's not already ordered or on the responsebility of the same contractor.
E erikjakan skrev:
Yes, and that's usually no issue if it's not already ordered or on the responsebility of the same contractor.
I wrote before:

S sturnus skrev:
It is highly unlikely that furniture or stairs are ready, but design and execution drawings also cost money! ;-)
Dan_Johansson Dan_Johansson skrev:
Tja, är det i hela kåken så är det ju 2% av volymen som försvunnit...
50mm i ett redan ganska lågt tak är värt mer än 2 procent av värdet. Förstår inte varför man bygger så lågt när man bygger nytt. 2.7 är väl absolut minimum.
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