OK, almost a year later and reviving this topic.

I am sorry top post in english, but my swedish is a little rusty .

My problem is this:
Like some people before me, the software on the esp8266 crashes as soon the AM dockes.
It generates a timeout on the MQTT broker and after that connects now and then to my router.
When connected to the router, i cannot reach it. Even a ping does not work.
I have tried an ESP8266, ESP32 and 2 different kinds of software.
I am now on tasmota, and as long the AM is mowing, all is well, until it docks.
The last message I get is "docking" right before it dies.
When it starts mowing again on the timer, All is reset to normal operation.
I tried everything. At the moment the ESP8266 is fed with a dedicated battery and the only connection with the mower is: GND,TX and RX.
I am going nuts.

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Hej jag undrar om någon sitter på Hex kommandona för att styra motorerna.?
pacman42 pacman42 skrev:
Styra hur?

Allt finns i denna fil:
köra fram och tillbaka så man manuellt kan göra den. när det har fastnat så man behöver svänga eller backa.
D Darnshelm skrev:
köra fram och tillbaka så man manuellt kan göra den. när det har fastnat så man behöver svänga eller backa.
Ja, då hade du allt i den filen.
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