
Sorry for the English, my Swedish vocabulary isn't so good with DIY terminology...

I am removing a non load bearing interior wall in my apartment (built 1929) and there is an unusual construction that I would love to know more about.

There seems to be a solid wooden core, with a straw layer, followed by a coarse plaster/cement layer.

Does anyone know when this type of construction was common? I am not sure if this wall is original to the apartment. I am also wondering if it contains asbestos, or something else I should be worried about...

  • Interior wall with exposed layers: wooden core, straw layer, and plaster/cement. The wall shows a section removed, revealing construction details.
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BirgitS BirgitS skrev:
Yes, it was a common construction 1929. The Swedish word is kloasongvägg.
Ahh perfect, thank you very much :)
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