
I moved into an apartment with underfloor heating in the bathroom. The thermostat seems to be similar to this one: https://www.clasohlson.com/se/Golvvärmetermostat-nVent-RAYCHEM,-NRG-DM/p/36-6671

When I turn up the temperature, I can hear the thermostat click, and the symbol shows that it is heating. However, the floor does not get warm. I read similar threads, which suggested checking the current while the thermostat was running. I checked the current between 1 - 2 (see picture) and 3 - 4, both were sitting around 230V. If I understand this correctly, then the thermostat sends the current to the floor, so that should not be the problem.

Where can I continue the troubleshooting? If I check the thermostat settings, it says that the floor is somewhere between 23C and 24C, so I don't suspect that anything is wrong with the sensor.

Any help is much appreciated!
Tack så mycket!!
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  • LCD-display visar tid, temperatur (32,0°C), smiley, och ordet "STOP". Metallhus. Bakgrundsbelysning. Digital kontrollenhet eller termostat.
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I think I was wrong, and in fact the heating works, it just takes more time to heat than I expected.
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Like you said it isnt instant, it usually takes a couple of hours depending on factors like the floor construction and heat loss etc.
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