Hello everyone,

I recently moved from the Netherlands to Sweden. I bought a house with a pellet heating system. It is from an Italian company called Mescoli Caldaie SRL. Model PB22 Ed.

Now it works fine, but I have no experience with those heating systems. When winter comes I want to make sure it continues to work well.

Unfortunately, the seller of the house did not speak English so we will (my Swedish is still very limited) so I did not understand everything. What do I need to know to keep it running? I understood that I need to add water sometimes?

The pellet burner is also from Janfire. From both units I can't find any manuals. There is also an electric cartridge. Does that mean I can switch between electricity and pellets for heating the house?

Thank you so much for helping me along the way.
  • Italiensk pelletspanna Mescoli Caldaie SRL med ansluten Janfire-pelletbrännare i en källare.
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  • En orange pelletspanna från det italienska företaget Mescoli Caldaie SRL, modell PB22 Ed, med kontrollpanel och display som visar temperatur.
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  • Närbild av en termostat på en pelletspanna från det italienska företaget Mescoli Caldaie SRL, modell PB22 Ed. Termostaten har en svart ratt och en röd knapp.
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  • Pelletbrännare av märket Janfire med kontrollpanel synlig, installerad i ett hus.
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  • Elpatron från ESBE AB med modellbeteckningen CRB122 monterad på ett rörsystem i ett pannrum.
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  • Etikett på Mescoli Caldaie SRL pelletvärmesystem modell PB22 ED med tekniska specifikationer, inklusive kapacitet, tryck och tillverkare.
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  • Gilla
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And with a little bit of help from Google Translate you can then get it in your language..
I had a Dutch friend in Swedenn who had a pellets burner, and when I visited him one day he was all black in his face. He had two dust explosions earlier that day.
If you are going to use the electric cartridge make sure you have looked at

for the electrical prices. (unless you have a fixed price)
(and for that you need to know what electric area you are in, SE1, SE2 ,SE3 , SE4)

During winter when its really cold the electrical prices can go crazy high and running on electrical cartridge then will get really so expensive you just want to cry.

So understanding and using the pellets heating system is a very good idea as tho it can get expensive (depending on prices on pellets) it will not make you bankrupt
  • Gilla
Bästerortarn och 2 till
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S Stephan1985 skrev:
I understood that I need to add water sometimes?
Hi, and welcome.

The unit most likely provide you with hot water, both radiators and tap water, depending on the size of the water tank and pipes that is connected to it. The boiler could have various built in water tanks. One for tap and one for heating.

The heating system will be controlled using thermostat that regulates a shunt valve. I might be connected to a outdoor thermostat or an indoor one or fully manual. The shunt valve regulates the amount warm water that goes out to the radiators.

The pressure should be around 1-1,5 bars depending on the size of the system. If you loose pressure you might have a leak and need to refill water using the refill valve connected on incoming water supply. You should check with the owner if there is any known issues with pressure loss in the radiator circuit. However if air build up in radiators you can let the air out (small nippel on radiators) and then fill the system up with more water to get 1bar. Maybe that was what they mentioned?

If the boiler is used to warm tap water all year round then they probably use electricity from April through September, turning the burner on around this time when electricity prices go up. If you have a separate boiler for tap water then you should probably just need to run the burner for the heating.

I use pellets only for heating and uses about 1 bag 16kg a day trough out the winter. You can order bags or bulk online and have them delivered or buy them at your local hardware store. They cost around 90kr/bag.
Just to clarify, the black box on top looks like the shunt valve and looks like it’s connected so it will automatically control the temperature.

If your boiler only supplies the heating look for other tap water tanks/boilers usually located in bathrooms, laundry rooms or basement and connected to the tap water lines.

Also need to mention that you might be required to do a fire inspection every other year and have a chimney sweep once a year if your city requires it. Regulations can vary locally. The fireplace is hopefully registered and you will get an appointment in the mail.
Thanks for all the replies! Appreciate it. Will check the manuals.
  • Gilla
Småbrukaren och 1 till
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