I building a house in Skåne. The project has been prepared by architect studio from another EU country. It follows Eurocode, of course. So far everything goes quite smoothly.

I have doubts about chimney height. I will be grate full for you comments.

Basically: is it mandatory in Sweden to build chimney always above the roof ridge (taknock)?

My case: recreational fireplace, the chimney is located close to the external building wall, "sadeltak" covered with "taktegel"; if the chimney is required to reach above the ridge then the part of the chimney above the roof becomes very high. I prefer to make the chimney shorter and avoid building so much above the roof.

Boverkets byggregler 6:743 says "Allmänt råd: Skorstenar för eldstäder med märkeffekt upp till 60 kW bör dels mynna över nock, dels minst 1,0 meter över taktäckningen, om inte särskilda förhållanden föreligger."

But in a shop selling fireplaces I was told that building chimney above the roof ridge is NOT mandatory. Anything that makes sense is allowed, they say.

What is meaning of word "bör" in Boverket's recommendation? Is it "should" or "must"? Is mandatory to always follow "Allmänt råd"?
  • Teknisk ritning av en byggnad i Snitt med markerad skorsten som når över taknocken, fråga om höjdintervall.
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Bör = should (not must)
I think it is allowed with lower chimoney than the top of the roof. But it is better you ask the skorstenfejarmästare about it. Thats the person that will approve the chimney installation before use.
U UTuV skrev:
What is meaning of word "bör" in Boverket's recommendation? Is it "should" or "must"? Is mandatory to always follow "Allmänt råd"?
"Allmänt råd" are basically examples on how the associated requirements can be met. Or rather what's usually done to meet them. As such, they also give a hint on what aspects of a requirement are important and what acceptable levels are. So you're free to use an alternate way that provides the same level of compliance, but you can't just ignore the recommendation completely.
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