Skulle passa på att byta ut en ventil på en HE Radiator innan jag drog på värmen i huset.
Gick inte helt enligt planen, lossade vad jag trodde var ventilen (den yttre mässingsmuttern) men det var bara en "mutter". Kikade lite på utbytesinsatsen jag köpt, MMA Insats 10M210 och fick för mig att man skulle försöka låssa på den yttre vita "muttern". Den satt som berget, det enda som hände var att jag misshandlade den när ringnyckeln "gled" runt.
Är det någon som gjort detta och vet vad man ska låssa?
Gick inte helt enligt planen, lossade vad jag trodde var ventilen (den yttre mässingsmuttern) men det var bara en "mutter". Kikade lite på utbytesinsatsen jag köpt, MMA Insats 10M210 och fick för mig att man skulle försöka låssa på den yttre vita "muttern". Den satt som berget, det enda som hände var att jag misshandlade den när ringnyckeln "gled" runt.
Är det någon som gjort detta och vet vad man ska låssa?
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Husspekulant Plumber
· Södermanland
· 16 430 inlägg
Husspekulant Plumber
- Södermanland
- 16 430 inlägg
Hela insatsen ska bort likt bilden. Vilken utbytesinsats har du köpt mer exakt, RSK?
Värm försiktigt lite lagom med varmluftspistol. Lite värme gör susen för att lossa ibland!
Kan dessa hjälpa något kanske?
Värm försiktigt lite lagom med varmluftspistol. Lite värme gör susen för att lossa ibland!
Kan dessa hjälpa något kanske?
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Insatsen jag köpt är följande
RSK vet jag inte riktigt vad det är.
Det ser ju inte riktigt ut som på bilden som du bifogade, själva röret sitter ju inne i elementet som på fotot. Men det ser ju tydligt ut som att det är den i mitt fall vita "muttern" som ska ut.
Jag testar med värmpistol.
RSK vet jag inte riktigt vad det är.
Det ser ju inte riktigt ut som på bilden som du bifogade, själva röret sitter ju inne i elementet som på fotot. Men det ser ju tydligt ut som att det är den i mitt fall vita "muttern" som ska ut.
Jag testar med värmpistol.
Det löste sig här. Jag använde en rörtång och det gick utan mycket ansträngning. Jag bifogar processen. Lycka till!
Produkter som diskuteras: "rörtång"
Rörtänger är specialiserade verktyg som används för att greppa och vrida rör och rördelar vid montering eller demontering. De är utformade med kraftiga käftar som kan ge ett fast grepp om runda, fyrkantiga, sexkantiga och åttkantiga rör
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Gammalt ämne men... Jag hade också lite problem med att få loss min ventil. Min såg ut som den i trådstarten. Jag fick loss den med en hylsa på 23 mm, men det var fan inte enkelt. Det var svårt att få grep eftersom åtminstone mina hylsor är något fasade längst ut. Det krävdes rätt mycket tryck på muttern för att den inte bara skulle glida av.
En bild på härligheten:
Det sitter nån slags gummiring i komponent två från vänster. Misstänker att mitt läckage berodde på att den blivit dålig. Jag har nu dragit dit en 10MZ10 istället.
En bild på härligheten:
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Det sitter nån slags gummiring i komponent två från vänster. Misstänker att mitt läckage berodde på att den blivit dålig. Jag har nu dragit dit en 10MZ10 istället.
Hello everybody,
I'm posting from Germany and as I'm not able to speak or write Swedish I'll try to explain my problem in English: I need some help regarding replacement valves. We live in a house, which was build in 1967 and most of the installed radiators are - as far as I understand - Gustavsberg HE radiators. I now have the problem that at three of them the valves are leaking and I would like to replace them. As far as I have understood the posts here in this thread (I tried to translate them via google translater) the replacement valves are the MMA 10MZ10 - is that correct? I yet haven't found a place where I could buy these valves here in Germany, so I would have to order them somewhere in Sweden. Can somebody recommend me a dealer, where I can buy them and who would be welling to sell to Germany?
I'm posting from Germany and as I'm not able to speak or write Swedish I'll try to explain my problem in English: I need some help regarding replacement valves. We live in a house, which was build in 1967 and most of the installed radiators are - as far as I understand - Gustavsberg HE radiators. I now have the problem that at three of them the valves are leaking and I would like to replace them. As far as I have understood the posts here in this thread (I tried to translate them via google translater) the replacement valves are the MMA 10MZ10 - is that correct? I yet haven't found a place where I could buy these valves here in Germany, so I would have to order them somewhere in Sweden. Can somebody recommend me a dealer, where I can buy them and who would be welling to sell to Germany?
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The 10MZ10 were at least the correct replacement for me. They've been working well for a few months now. I ordered mine from Rinkaby Rör ( who unfortunately don't ship abroad. According to their webpage you can order from abroad, but still have to be able to pick it up in Malmö at best.ralf-byggahus skrev:Hello everybody,
I'm posting from Germany and as I'm not able to speak or write Swedish I'll try to explain my problem in English: I need some help regarding replacement valves. We live in a house, which was build in 1967 and most of the installed radiators are - as far as I understand - Gustavsberg HE radiators. I now have the problem that at three of them the valves are leaking and I would like to replace them. As far as I have understood the posts here in this thread (I tried to translate them via google translater) the replacement valves are the MMA 10MZ10 - is that correct? I yet haven't found a place where I could buy these valves here in Germany, so I would have to order them somewhere in Sweden. Can somebody recommend me a dealer, where I can buy them and who would be welling to sell to Germany?[bild] [bild]
There a few other retailers in Sweden (to name a few):
- Proffsmagasinet (
- (
- (
TX a lot for your quick replies!
So I will try to contact the retailers mentioned above and ask them whether they would be willing and able to ship to Germany... Hopefully one of them can help....
So I will try to contact the retailers mentioned above and ask them whether they would be willing and able to ship to Germany... Hopefully one of them can help....
I've just got the replacement valves. TX a lot to Hans from
Triopart International AB (Din VVS Butik) - a great guy, very helpful!
Tomorrow the guy from the heating service will come and help me to replace the old ones. Hopefully everything will go well and the radiators won't be leaking again then. Just one more question - the valves are delvered without any plastic cover, needed to regulate them. Do I have to buy any special ones or what do you use to adjust between more or less heating power?
Triopart International AB (Din VVS Butik) - a great guy, very helpful!
Tomorrow the guy from the heating service will come and help me to replace the old ones. Hopefully everything will go well and the radiators won't be leaking again then. Just one more question - the valves are delvered without any plastic cover, needed to regulate them. Do I have to buy any special ones or what do you use to adjust between more or less heating power?
If you want a manual wheel, MMA has e.g. the simple ENH in white plastic or the more stylish, chromed NHK, both with M28x1.5 threads. Or there is the thermostat Evosense 0–28˚C.
TX! The valves are installed now - no more leaking! But unfortunately the heating service here in Germany really doesn't have any suitable 'Handratt' for these valves
i will then order some of these ENH-'Handratts' from the Din VVS Butik..
i will then order some of these ENH-'Handratts' from the Din VVS Butik..