Inte Uppsala?*
Kvinna i vintermiljö håller en dammsugare, text "PAUSAD DAMMSUGNING LÖSER INTE ELBRISTEN".
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*Eller har vi nog med Ebbatrådar?
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Tokslut och 2 till
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En till går bra va ?
  • Kvinna i ytterkläder håller en dammsugare med texten "Nu ska jag städa Esbjörns hus" framför vinterbakgrund.
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  • Gilla
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tobbbias och 9 till
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Noramasen och 4 till
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13th Marine 13th Marine skrev:
Tackar! Äntligen en eller flera förklaringar till uttrycket ” Trappa ner”
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13th Marine
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  • Gilla
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ricebridge och 6 till
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"Recording of this hearing or live stream is prohibited. Violation may constitute contempt of court and result in a fine of up to $500, and a jail term of up to 180 days"

Någon tyckte uppenbarligen att det var värt det.
  • Gilla
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Did you know that 10+10 and 11+11 is the same?

10+10 = twenty, 11 + 11 = twenty too
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Sthlm1891 och 15 till
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Spacklade golvet idag, blev inte bra. Jäkla oflyt alltså....
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  • Haha
Maria T
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*Sex After Death*

A couple made a deal that whoever died first would come back and inform the other if there was sex after death.

After a long life together, the husband was the first to die and true to his words, he made the first contact:

H : "Darling... Darling"

W : "Is that you Baby ?"

H : "Yes, I've come back like we agreed"

W : "That's wonderful !!! What is it like in the afterlife? Is there sex?"

H : "Well, as soon as I get up in the morning, I have sex. After sex and breakfast it's off to the golf course.
Thereafter I bathe in the warm sun and have sex a couple of more times. Then I have lunch (you'd be proud - lots of greens).
After lunch, it's back to the golf course again. Then it's more sex until late at night. I catch some much needed sleep and then the next day it starts all over again."

W : "Oh Baby... are you in Heaven ?"

H : "No, I'm a goat somewhere in Pakistan”..
  • Haha
  • Gilla
-PC- och 6 till
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*Sex After Death*

A couple made a deal that whoever died first would come back and inform the other if there was sex after death.

After a long life together, the husband was the first to die and true to his words, he made the first contact:

H : "Darling... Darling"

W : "Is that you Baby ?"

H : "Yes, I've come back like we agreed"

W : "That's wonderful !!! What is it like in the afterlife? Is there sex?"

H : "Well, as soon as I get up in the morning, I have sex. After sex and breakfast it's off to the golf course.
Thereafter I bathe in the warm sun and have sex a couple of more times. Then I have lunch (you'd be proud - lots of greens).
After lunch, it's back to the golf course again. Then it's more sex until late at night. I catch some much needed sleep and then the next day it starts all over again."

W : "Oh Baby... are you in Heaven ?"

H : "No, I'm a goat somewhere in Pakistan”..
  • Haha
Staffans2000 och 1 till
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Luddis_1 Luddis_1 skrev:
*Sex After Death*

A couple made a deal that whoever died first would come back and inform the other if there was sex after death.

After a long life together, the husband was the first to die and true to his words, he made the first contact:

H : "Darling... Darling"

W : "Is that you Baby ?"

H : "Yes, I've come back like we agreed"

W : "That's wonderful !!! What is it like in the afterlife? Is there sex?"

H : "Well, as soon as I get up in the morning, I have sex. After sex and breakfast it's off to the golf course.
Thereafter I bathe in the warm sun and have sex a couple of more times. Then I have lunch (you'd be proud - lots of greens).
After lunch, it's back to the golf course again. Then it's more sex until late at night. I catch some much needed sleep and then the next day it starts all over again."

W : "Oh Baby... are you in Heaven ?"

H : "No, I'm a goat somewhere in Pakistan”..
Vore det inte roligare med en get på Östermalm i Stockholm?

Menar de förutfattade meningarna om 08:surprised:r och speciellt det exklusiva lyxlivet på Östermalm med Droger, Fester och fårskallar :rolleyes: är ju vida känt.

Lägg sedan till lite golf så är det väl en vardag för många?
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Uffe A och 2 till
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Då kan ju någon bli kränkt.
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Luddis_1 och 1 till
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Person iklädd randig skjorta och mörka byxor sitter i en tom badkar med en duschslang i handen, text ovanför.
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  • Gilla
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-PC- och 11 till
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Utlösa JFB precis innan mello? Geni!
  • Gilla
  • Ledsen
Tokslut och 1 till
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