Sorry for not writing in Swedish: I am still quite new in Sweden.

I am considering buying a bostadsrätt around Stockholm and plan to have a meeting with a realtor for a new project in Väsjön/Sollentuna/Stockholm. It's a radhus with the planned handover date of October 2020.

What kind of things I need to ask the agent?

Is it generally considered a good idea to buy in new projects before they are complete? The payment will happen just a week before handing over of keys and for now I only have to pay some reservation fees.
The big question is, what the housingmarket will do.
Can you still get a mortgage if the prices dropp with 30%?

Buying houses in building projects isn't unusual, so normally you won't get problems and you don't need to pay an overprice because of the Swedish biddingsystem on normal houses.
There will be a commissioning inspection after construction. Ask the realtor to be present, you or a housing inspector hired by you.
I guess you know that you will not own the house but only the right to live there. Ask him which other facilities are included in the common property such as lawn, laundry facilities, external storage rooms, playgrounds etc.
Ask for the monthly fee to pay and what is included (water supply, electricity, WiFi, garbage etc)
Ask for the regulations in the future "bostadsrättsförening" regarding rent-out. imagine you want to move temperarily to NYC and want to rent out the house. Is that permitted?
Good luck! And welcome to this place!
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