Can someone tell us what it cost placing a septictank (trekammarbrunn) including infiltration sand and so on ?
And how many days work it is ?

To explain the location :
It is undisturbed ground with grass and some rocks, just beside the road with a lot of space for the infiltration bed.
The sewer from the house is ±60cm deep in the ground

I hope someone can give us an indication of the cost.and time.
I had this done five years ago, in 2009.
The total cost, including "three-chamber-well", all piping, infiltration, sand and gravel material and work hours was about SEK 35.000 then.

An essantial factor is the ground water level. If this is high, you have to build a raised-up infiltration, possibly with a pump to raise waste water from the "three-chamber-well" to the infiltration.
There must be a 1 meter height difference between the infiltration and the highest ground water level.

Here you have some hardware:
Other alternatives:

I think it is a one day work.
Maybe you should expect it to be 50% more expensive today.

And please excuse my bad English.
It's normal company language in many international Swedish companies :)

By the way:
You will need the municipal environment and health dept to approve your solution before you start building it.
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Thank you for your answer, that give me a good idication for what I can expect.
First of all, your English is very good, I understand everything. I wish my Swedish was like your English !!

About the waterv level : I know they drill for water and they had to go to 66meter deep
I also know that the waterlevel in an old well is more then 2 meter deep.

I was thinking about the same avloppspaket from Rinkbyrör but some people told me that the commune decide what kind of trekammarbrunn I have to buy. Is that so or can I buy any 2m3 tank ?
I also saw this hardware :

One other question : is it allowed to do it by your self ? Ofcourse by the rules of the community.
I think that the normal procedure is something like this:

You dig a test hole, about two meteres deep
You call out the inspector from "miljö och hälsa", environment and health dpt in your municipality.
The inspector checks the soil structure, its permeability, and vertikal distance to the ground water.
(And don't mix up the surface ground water with the ground water deep in the bedrock)
Then you might get an OK for installing an infiltration .
You can buy from anyware, as long as the product fullfills what is specified by your municipality.
And anyone can install it.
But you will need an excavator and some lorries to handle the ground work.
There will be a few tonnnes of soil and gravel to handle.
And off the infiltration you will need somewere to get rid of the cleaned water as well :)
After the infiltration is instaalled, I think you will have to fill out a form and send in, accompanied with some photos.

Have you seen this site:
There is a lot of information to be found.
I suppose that your ability to read Swedish is better than to write it :)
I have had My infiltration just changed.
And the procedur is like this. First you aply for a permit so you now if you can do it. Then when its approved you can dig test holes. Taket samples from Evert holes and mark them. Then they have to bee sent for analys. After that the council Will tell you witch type of infiltration you have to use.
The septictanks Size is determend by how many you are in the family.
The cost for mine was 75000kr exkluding the septictank
Thank you both for the information
We are a couple of man and wife and it is a vacationhouse for 12 weeks per year so I think a standard 2m3 septictank is big enough
75.000kr is a lot of money Matthias. A 2m3 tank cost ±15.000kr so that mean in your case total goes up to ±90.000kr
But you write "just change" does that mean that you renew the infiltration sand and septictank ? In other words remove the old septictank and infiltration sand and replace it by a new one ?
Or is it your first septictank with infiltration ?
I am thinking why is your cost so much higher then from Knockonwood, what is included in your 75.000kr
Knockonwood price was 35.000kr and he expect 50% more these days so ±50.000kr including septictank.
Your price is twice his price. :wow:
Well er have not changed septictank. The infiltration is depending on the density of the ground. I also had to have a pump tank and a fosfor trap.
We made a new infiltration on an other location. To change is more expensive.
4 more have Done the same here. And the price is from 65000-95000 depending on what location and ground.
In your case a closed tank on ground could bee a option.
If you only use it a few weeks per year, you might want to look into these alternative solutions:

the mainstream one is the Biobox: e.g. (or google it for English)

or for the more dedicated:

These are for grey water, so if you don't have a composting toilet, you'd still need a septic tank. I have no experience with them myself, but find them interesting for replacing the infiltration we have now (apparently only a life time of ~20years).
OK now I understand the difference in price.
I hope the density is good at our location and I hope it runs about 50.000kr, that is our reservation.
Do you know how long it takes to get permission from the local goverment ?
When I come to Sweden for 6 weeks I want to ask permission and start as soon as possible.
I already have the "ansökan för avloppsanläggning" here
Just send it in. Then you have two ters on you to start. Five years to finish.
For me it was in a weak to get the permit.
Hi Betram, we don´t have a composite toilet.
What I can do is change the toilets but I don´t think that is cheaper and I think regular toilets are more comfortable in use in combination with a septictank.
But I always can think about it, thanks for the information.
An other thing is, maybe they offer me instead of an infiltration to use the ditch which is ±100 meter from our house and it is easy to extend the ditch to the septictank.
We have no neighboors, nearest house is 700 meter in de other direction.
Maybe I must invite someone at our house so he or she can see the location and advice me but I don´t know if that all take to much time to get permission.
That is good to know Mattias, thanks
You can only use the ditch for the water that has Run trough the infiltration. Infiltration is a must have. And so is the septictank .
Maby closed system is allowed with a tank above ground and then you dont need a septictank.
Again thanks, I did not know that but it is understandable.
I go for the septictank with infiltration and I talk it over with the local comunity person. Hopefully they can come and take a look and advice me
We have a trekammarbrunn with markbädd
Cost was 64.000 sek
That is a Little more then our reservation but not expensive like 70.000 - 120.000
We are very happy with it and it is better for the nature
Thank´s everybody for advice and help
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