svartöra skrev:
Kan du posta den aktuella listan? Tror "originalet" var några hundra inlägg tillbaka...
Inte riktigt 100 men rätt många sidor bak.

1. Alarm is not working, as it should. Many people have lowered the noise, as they do not want to here when it is going out to work. Problem is that it is the same setting for lifting it. There must be a better way of securing the mower from unwanted people.
2. The pin code can be changed to easily.
3. There is a hard noise from the motors when it turns after hitting an obstacle or the boundary wire. After power of and power on it is gone. I have a video on the problem.
4. Automatic cutting of the boundary, when it is leaving the charger station, after charging. You have today implemented two zones(0.61) for different areas. It must be possible to use the same for cutting the boundary every x time it is leaving the charger.
5. Some sort of delay of power to the motors after hitting boundary or obstacle, it is tending to spin on the grass and make marks in the lawn.
6. If there is an obstacle on the boundary wire, it never gives up and it ends with an empty battery. Could it be possible that it leaves the boundary after 10 -15 tries and search for the boundary somewhere else?
7. Some sort of communication with a smartphone.
8. Reset the gyro while charging. OK, requires a leveled charging station.
9. When hitting the boundary wire in a steep, reverse 0,5m. before turning. Some owners have problems with the mower sliding over the boundary wire and stop with out of working area.
10. Sloop correction needs further development.
11. Stopping for upside down when it is not upside down.

Fyll på om ni vill. Rätta om det är taskig Engelska mm.
peternicklas skrev:
Inte riktigt 100 men rätt många sidor bak.

1. Alarm is not working, as it should. Many people have lowered the noise, as they do not want to here when it is going out to work. Problem is that it is the same setting for lifting it. There must be a better way of securing the mower from unwanted people.
2. The pin code can be changed to easily.
3. There is a hard noise from the motors when it turns after hitting an obstacle or the boundary wire. After power of and power on it is gone. I have a video on the problem.
4. Automatic cutting of the boundary, when it is leaving the charger station, after charging. You have today implemented two zones(0.61) for different areas. It must be possible to use the same for cutting the boundary every x time it is leaving the charger.
5. Some sort of delay of power to the motors after hitting boundary or obstacle, it is tending to spin on the grass and make marks in the lawn.
6. If there is an obstacle on the boundary wire, it never gives up and it ends with an empty battery. Could it be possible that it leaves the boundary after 10 -15 tries and search for the boundary somewhere else?
7. Some sort of communication with a smartphone.
8. Reset the gyro while charging. OK, requires a leveled charging station.
9. When hitting the boundary wire in a steep, reverse 0,5m. before turning. Some owners have problems with the mower sliding over the boundary wire and stop with out of working area.
10. Sloop correction needs further development.
11. Stopping for upside down when it is not upside down.

Fyll på om ni vill. Rätta om det är taskig Engelska mm.
Vad menar du med punkt 10? (Min engelska är taskig)
Lutningskorrigeringen behöver utvecklas mer.
peternicklas skrev:
Inte riktigt 100 men rätt många sidor bak.

1. Alarm is not working, as it should. Many people have lowered the noise, as they do not want to here when it is going out to work. Problem is that it is the same setting for lifting it. There must be a better way of securing the mower from unwanted people.
2. The pin code can be changed to easily.
3. There is a hard noise from the motors when it turns after hitting an obstacle or the boundary wire. After power of and power on it is gone. I have a video on the problem.
4. Automatic cutting of the boundary, when it is leaving the charger station, after charging. You have today implemented two zones(0.61) for different areas. It must be possible to use the same for cutting the boundary every x time it is leaving the charger.
5. Some sort of delay of power to the motors after hitting boundary or obstacle, it is tending to spin on the grass and make marks in the lawn.
6. If there is an obstacle on the boundary wire, it never gives up and it ends with an empty battery. Could it be possible that it leaves the boundary after 10 -15 tries and search for the boundary somewhere else?
7. Some sort of communication with a smartphone.
8. Reset the gyro while charging. OK, requires a leveled charging station.
9. When hitting the boundary wire in a steep, reverse 0,5m. before turning. Some owners have problems with the mower sliding over the boundary wire and stop with out of working area.
10. Sloop correction needs further development.
11. Stopping for upside down when it is not upside down.

Fyll på om ni vill. Rätta om det är taskig Engelska mm.
Punkt 2 kanske ska ändras lite att det gäller att pinkodskontrollen kan slås av av obehörig t ex när maskinen laddas. För att ändra den behöver man väl ändå ha den befintliga pinkoden?
fester skrev:
Punkt 2 kanske ska ändras lite att det gäller att pinkodskontrollen kan slås av av obehörig t ex när maskinen laddas. För att ändra den behöver man väl ändå ha den befintliga pinkoden?
Pinkoden kan avaktiveras utan att slå in aktuell pinkod??
peternicklas skrev:
Pinkoden kan avaktiveras utan att slå in aktuell pinkod??
Ja. Så är det på min i alla fall ( v0.61 ). Det går att slå av pinkodskontroll utan att behöva ange aktuell pinkod. I alla fall när den står och laddar. Det som borde ändras i firmware är att kräva aktuell pinkod för att kunna slå av pinkodskontrollen. Vad menade du med punkt två?
fester skrev:
Ja. Så är det på min i alla fall ( v0.61 ). Det går att slå av pinkodskontroll utan att behöva ange aktuell pinkod. I alla fall när den står och laddar. Det som borde ändras i firmware är att kräva aktuell pinkod för att kunna slå av pinkodskontrollen. Vad menade du med punkt två?
Kom inte ihåg vad som efterfrågades utan bara skrev att ågot var fel med pinkoden. Detta har ni nu hjälpt mig med.
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Du kan ju komplettera 3:an med typ 'When turning, the inner wheel actually seems to go backwards at high speed for a short period of time" och eftersom problemet väl uppträdde i firmware 0.50 (vilket är den enda jag har, så jag vet inte själv) kan det också stå "The problem was probably introduced in firmware 0.50"

7:an lär de ju inte fixa med ny mjukvara, men för en framtida version önskar man ju givetvis att det finns WLAN och stöd i appar eller nån websida så man dels kan se vad pjäsen har för sig och dels se lite statistik med mera.

Det följande är ju en småsak men antingen borde det lagas eller dokumenteras, för det är ett beteende som i alla fall inte jag väntar mig: When the Landroid is manually placed in the charging base, or if it is turned off and then on when it is in the charging base, it does not honor the mowing schedule. It seems like it must itself find its way to the charging station before scheduled mowing is enabled.

Nu står det iofs i programmeringsmanualen att "If your lawn is divided in two separated areas, one of which is not provided with the charging base: when the Landroid M runs out of charge, take it manually to the charging base, turn power on, press the key with the home symbol and the charge process will start" och jag antar att det är samma sak, dvs placerar man den manuellt i laddaren ska man trycka Home för att den ska fatta var den är.
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svartöra skrev:
Du kan ju komplettera 3:an med typ 'When turning, the inner wheel actually seems to go backwards at high speed for a short period of time" och eftersom problemet väl uppträdde i firmware 0.50 (vilket är den enda jag har, så jag vet inte själv) kan det också stå "The problem was probably introduced in firmware 0.50"

7:an lär de ju inte fixa med ny mjukvara, men för en framtida version önskar man ju givetvis att det finns WLAN och stöd i appar eller nån websida så man dels kan se vad pjäsen har för sig och dels se lite statistik med mera.

Det följande är ju en småsak men antingen borde det lagas eller dokumenteras, för det är ett beteende som i alla fall inte jag väntar mig: When the Landroid is manually placed in the charging base, or if it is turned off and then on when it is in the charging base, it does not honor the mowing schedule. It seems like it must itself find its way to the charging station before scheduled mowing is enabled.

Nu står det iofs i programmeringsmanualen att "If your lawn is divided in two separated areas, one of which is not provided with the charging base: when the Landroid M runs out of charge, take it manually to the charging base, turn power on, press the key with the home symbol and the charge process will start" och jag antar att det är samma sak, dvs placerar man den manuellt i laddaren ska man trycka Home för att den ska fatta var den är.
Fixat, har även en kort film på när hjulet göra denna rörelse.
7. Man kan alltid önska. Beror lite på vilka portar som finns, skulle kanske kunna stoppa i en USB WIFI dongle?
peternicklas skrev:
Inte riktigt 100 men rätt många sidor bak.

1. Alarm is not working, as it should. Many people have lowered the noise, as they do not want to here when it is going out to work. Problem is that it is the same setting for lifting it. There must be a better way of securing the mower from unwanted people.
2. The pin code can be changed to easily.
3. There is a hard noise from the motors when it turns after hitting an obstacle or the boundary wire. After power of and power on it is gone. I have a video on the problem.
4. Automatic cutting of the boundary, when it is leaving the charger station, after charging. You have today implemented two zones(0.61) for different areas. It must be possible to use the same for cutting the boundary every x time it is leaving the charger.
5. Some sort of delay of power to the motors after hitting boundary or obstacle, it is tending to spin on the grass and make marks in the lawn.
6. If there is an obstacle on the boundary wire, it never gives up and it ends with an empty battery. Could it be possible that it leaves the boundary after 10 -15 tries and search for the boundary somewhere else?
7. Some sort of communication with a smartphone.
8. Reset the gyro while charging. OK, requires a leveled charging station.
9. When hitting the boundary wire in a steep, reverse 0,5m. before turning. Some owners have problems with the mower sliding over the boundary wire and stop with out of working area.
10. Sloop correction needs further development.
11. Stopping for upside down when it is not upside down.

Fyll på om ni vill. Rätta om det är taskig Engelska mm.
Det hade varit bra om man kunde bestämma i alla fall två fönster då den ska klippa per dag.
Jag har exempelvis en mammaledig fru och en treåring som använder gräsmattan på dagarna. Hade varit bra om man kunde ställa in att deb ska klippa exempelvis 07:00 till 10:00 och 19:00 till 22:00.
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gizmo007 och 1 till
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peternicklas skrev:
Fixat, har även en kort film på när hjulet göra denna rörelse.
7. [Some sort of communication with a smartphone.] Man kan alltid önska. Beror lite på vilka portar som finns, skulle kanske kunna stoppa i en USB WIFI dongle?
Inte så dum idé eftersom det finns pyttesmå sådana! Jag tvivlar på att de skulle vilja supporta det officiellt... men kanske inofficiellt om de ser en marknad med tekniknördar. Tja, man kan alltid önska :)
peternicklas skrev:
Fyll på om ni vill. Rätta om det är taskig Engelska mm.
12. If running for several minutes without hitting any obstacle/boundary wire the machine is probably stuck against something (wheels spinning). In this case, reverse and turn.

13. When reversing from charging station, randomize the distance a bit so the machine does not leave marks in the lawn from always turning the wheels at the same place. Also there could be a setting for reversing a further distance, for people wishing to have their charging station placed under their terrace or in a "lawn mower house".
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gizmo007 och 1 till
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Listan har nu 15 punkter. Jag kommer inte att kommentera alla de förslag som ni lämnar utan fyller på listan efterhand. Postar en uppdaterad lista lördag eftermiddag.
Här kommer listan igen. Kolla, kommentera, fyll i.....

1. Alarm is not working, as it should. Many people have lowered the noise, as they do not want to here when it is going out to work. Problem is that it is the same setting for lifting it. There must be a better way of securing the mower from unwanted people.
2. The pin code can be deactivated without giving the pin code, for example while charging.
3. There is a hard noise from the motors when it turns after hitting an obstacle or the boundary wire. After power of and power on it is gone. I have a video on the problem. When turning, the inner wheel actually seems to go backwards at high speed for a very short period of time. The problem was probably introduced in firmware 0.50.
4. Automatic cutting along the boundary, when it is leaving the charger station, after charging. You have today implemented two zones (0.61) for different areas. It must be possible to use the same technique for cutting along the boundary every x time it is leaving the charger.
5. Some sort of delay of power to the motors after hitting boundary or obstacle, it is tending to spin on the grass and make marks in the lawn.
6. If there is an obstacle on the boundary wire, it never gives up and it ends with an empty battery. Could it be possible that it leaves the boundary after 10 -15 tries and search for the boundary somewhere else?
7. Some sort of communication with a smartphone.
8. Reset the gyro while charging. OK, requires a leveled charging station.
9. When hitting the boundary wire in a steep, reverse 0,5m. before turning. Some owners have problems with the mower sliding over the boundary wire and stop with out of working area.
10. Sloop correction needs further development.
11. Stopping for upside down when it is not upside down.
12. Schema, only show the cutting time. Start 07.00 and cut 5 hours, no charging included in these 5 hours. This could also be good if it rain for 2 hours then it does not include this in the 5 hours.
13. Two slots/day, especially needed för families with children and if you want to mow the lawn when the sun is not so strong, e.g. in the morning and afternoon.
14. If running for several minutes without hitting any obstacle/boundary wire the machine is probably stuck against something (wheels spinning). In this case, reverse and turn.
15. When reversing from charging station, randomize the distance a bit so the machine does not leave marks in the lawn from always turning the wheels at the same place. In addition, there could be a setting for reversing a further distance, for people wishing to have their charging station placed under their terrace or in a "lawn mower house".
16. Two different speeds, one high for short lawns and low for high lawns.
  • Gilla
hakus och 3 till
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peternicklas skrev:
Här kommer listan igen. Kolla, kommentera, fyll i.....

Jag skulle önska att man kunde ändra den trignivå för batterispänningen som används för att bestämma när det är dags att gå hem och ladda. Jag hade nog otur med mitt batteri, blev lite sämre ganska snabbt och få orkade inte klipparen följa hela längden på grändksbeln. Hellre lite kortare klippte än att behöva köpa nya batterier ofta.
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