J JockeHX skrev:
You received sound advice before regarding this, i.e. take it as a learning experience in how to communicate openly with an architect and consider the money you already paid lost. But what I am hearing from you now regarding escalating to police etc, will not lead you anywhere. In fact, you can't escalate this to the police at all. All you're doing is making the situation between you and the architect worse, and suddenly it's all about principle and you will both lose a lot of money in court.
I have retracted myself from the communication with the architect, and I have explained my way of declining any future invoices if he will send them to me despite the bad delivered service. The collectors can't request me to pay more, as long as it was a dispute between us, and sometimes, the authorities can talk between them and report abuse.

It's not me making the situation worse, but I am protecting myself as a consumer from the architect's attempts of intimidating me.

My posting is a free lesson and advice for any readers who will approach an architect or someone else from a different branch. I got a freezing shower with this experience, and other readers could save dozens to hundreds of thousands of kroner if they were more self-aware before approaching an architect.
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Now we continue again. I want to show to the readers how a consultant tries to rip off a customer for a pre-study that wasn't even valid. He got upset because I wanted to raise a complaint to ARN, therefore he finds now reasonable to request 70.000SEK from me.

The architecture company will get a complaint to ARN. I accepted only the first invoice of 1.500SEK and declined the other two. Our contract has ended on 24th of December 2021, and I am glad that I did it. There is a 40.000SEK balance which I have paid, even with a bestrida faktura, and I have solid evidence that I am being scammed.

The guy can't even be reasonable, he doesn't know how to invoice and claims that I was the one breaking the contract without a good reason. He hasn't even involved his lawyer.
Handskrivna noteringar på en faktura med påståenden om avtal och betalningar, inklusive specificering av ett möte och fakturabelopp.
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Handskriven anmärkning "BESTRIDA FAKTURA" på en faktura med specifikation och betalningsuppmaning på 40.000SEK.
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Annoterad faktura med handskrivna kommentarer som ifrågasätter debiterade tjänster och påstådda överträdelser av konsumentlag.
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andeug andeug skrev:
Now we continue again. I want to show to the readers how a consultant tries to rip off a customer for a pre-study that wasn't even valid. He got upset because I wanted to raise a complaint to ARN, therefore he finds now reasonable to request 70.000SEK from me.

The architecture company will get a complaint to ARN. I accepted only the first invoice of 1.500SEK and declined the other two. Our contract has ended on 24th of December 2021, and I am glad that I did it. There is a 40.000SEK balance which I have paid, even with a bestrida faktura, and I have solid evidence that I am being scammed.

The guy can't even be reasonable, he doesn't know how to invoice and claims that I was the one breaking the contract without a good reason. He hasn't even involved his lawyer.
[bild] [bild] [bild]
The invoices with your notes, have you sent them to the architect to ”bestrida fakturan” or is it what you are going to send to ARN?
M MetteKson skrev:
The invoices with your notes, have you sent them to the architect to ”bestrida fakturan” or is it what you are going to send to ARN?
I've sent them today to the architect. I told him to invite me to the Swedish court if he disagrees. Total quietness afterward, and I have given him my bank account with time to think until Friday if he will refund or not the 40.000SEK. I will include his decision in my complaint at ARN, and afterward I have a good reason to call him in court.

If he's bypassing ARN, basically he's suing me directly, and I'll take it through a lawyer. I have full home insurance (If large insurance) and I can get legal assistance support.

As an idea, if you reject the first invoice, the additional ones can be rejected. To be on the safe side, I declined anything which was unreasonable, and all his invoices got my explanation.

I wonder how many customers have been scammed by this guy in a similar way.
I was charged even for making a coffee to the architect.
That was the most expensive coffee I have ever paid for!

Annotated invoice with handwritten notes expressing frustration over being billed for a coffee by an architect.
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