OpiMaza OpiMaza skrev:
Fan så najs är det via home-assistant? Jag kör den oxå men inte i hop med homekit då det va väldigt buggigt. Just nu så är min hass endast till för min ytterbelysning (ikea trådfri). Åkte fast i "homey" träsket för ett tag sedan o det ångrar jag inte kör resten av min automation via den o ja den funkar klockrent.
Njae, detta är via homebridge -> HomeKit.
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Nuså, tror jag att jag är klar om ingen kommer på nåt mer. Om man anger att det är ett HX-kort i klipparn, så får man en temperatursensor oxå. :)

Smartphone-skärm som visar olika hemautomatiseringsappar med programmeringskod i bakgrunden.
Inloggade ser högupplösta bilder
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Gratis och tar endast 30 sekunder
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johan63 och 1 till
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Beta 4 snart klar. :cool:
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Beta 4 släppt:cool:
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johan63 johan63 skrev:
Beta 4 släppt:cool:
Uppdaterar nu...
davidgp davidgp skrev:
Uppdaterar nu...
Redan fixat.
johan63 johan63 skrev:
Redan fixat.
Show off ;)
- API: cmd = gps added to get GPS coordinates from mowers with GPS.
- Fixed a bug where the AccessPoint could not be deactivated.
- Fixed bug that an empty error was sent in cmd = status.
- Fixed bug that some MQTT values were released with the wrong key.
- Fixed bug that the e-mail subject was not encoded correctly UTF-8.
- Fixed bug that the knife reminder was displayed in the status, although it is deactivated.
- Fixed a problem where 3-Wheels found options in the Find Dock menu that were not supported by the mower. (Limit)
- Fixed a bug that a "Start" request was not always implemented immediately.
- Fixed a bug where the message "Weather timer triggered" was always displayed, if it was active. Regardless of whether he has triggered
- Fixed a bug where the network mask for the home network could not be edited.
- Fixed a bug where the direct control did not work anymore.
- Fixed a bug where the bottom menu entry was partially not completely displayed with outdated browsers on SmartPhones.
- Fixed a bug where the corridor settings were swapped / could not be saved correctly.
- Fixed a bug where the battery charge below 0% (in manual mode) always jumps between 0% and 100%.
- Fixed a bug that the camera resolution was not taken over immediately.
- Fixed a bug that changed to "Home" instead of "Auto" after midnight when the first 5 timers were not used.
- Fixed a bug where the timer settings were lost when Robonect was restarted while a mowing job was in progress.
- Fixed a bug where no pin was requested for the first time when the mower was turned on.
- Fixed a bug where the API did not calculate a job correctly if only a few parameters were specified.
- HEALTH: Low battery voltage limit reduced to 15V, as falling below the 16V limit is not uncommon.
- Added HTTP warning that warns if access point and home network are using the same subnet as this will result in failure to reach the home network.
- HTTP: Setting the garden shape made available again, as this probably also has influence on the mowing behavior of the 3-wheels.
- HTTP: In the "Camera" menu, the image is now optionally loaded automatically
- HTTP: The camera image can now also be displayed in the status
- HTTP: labels translated to "status> loop" of the sensors in plain text
- HTTP: In the status of the loop, only the actually installed sensors are now displayed.
- Camera: If an image is not immediately available, it will wait a bit until the request is rejected.
- Logbook: Added entries that logged more than 5 minutes. (To debug the time in case of problems)
- Logbook: Mower information recorded in logbook header
- Logbook: added entry that documents when the maximum number of parallel connections is reached.
- MQTT: Publication of battery values to max. limited every 5 seconds.
- PUSH: Standard cyclic transmission deactivated
- SMTP: It is now possible to configure your own SMTP server
- SMS: Text adapted for mower disturbances, as these were often doubled.
- SMS: Added messages that appear when the limit day / month etc. has been reached.
- SMS / E-MAIL: notification added in case the blades need to be changed
- SMS / E-MAIL: Notifications of device errors now in plain text
- WLAN: added mDNS service, so that Robonect can be addressed within the home network via http: //robonect-123456.local . 123456 = last three digits of the MAC address
- WLAN: possibility added to deposit your own DNS
- HUSKY: Added possibility to disable the time limit of the mowing time in principle
- HUSKY: Added possibility to temporarily disable the time limit of the mowing time
- Other: It can now be set whether Robonect switched off with is switched off when the mower is switched off at the main switch.
- Other: If Robonect is restarted, the mower is now awakened or stopped
Saknar valet "SSL" för e-posten, Telia kräver SSL-anslutning för att skicka mejl, det räcker inte att bara skriva portnummret.
"Utgående smtp-server: mailout.telia.com
Smtp-port: 465 med SSL
Smtp-autentisering: På"
Demmpa Demmpa skrev:
Saknar valet "SSL" för e-posten, Telia kräver SSL-anslutning för att skicka mejl, det räcker inte att bara skriva portnummret.
"Utgående smtp-server: mailout.telia.com
Smtp-port: 465 med SSL
Smtp-autentisering: På"
Noterad ! Ska framföra till Fabian.
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Svar från Fabian.
SSL is not planned, because of missing resources. You can use the default Robonect Mail server.
Hur ser era inställningar ut gällande knivarna dvs hur många timmar vs dagar?
Jag har satt min på 800 timmar och 7 dagar. ;)
johan63 johan63 skrev:
Jag har satt min på 800 timmar och 7 dagar. ;)
Så jag byter knivarna ca. Var 7:e dag. (Har mycket grenar och kottar från träd som ställer till det)
Samma här, knivarna räcker inte så länge.
Vi vill skicka notiser för ämnen du bevakar och händelser som berör dig.