Don't think there are any. "kontant husköpare" or "kontant köper hus" maybe. Never heard of...
@MH: thanks anyway

Anyone knows, please advise

There are so many in the UK and USA
congchua84 skrev:
Hi everyone

I use term "kassa husköpare" to search but it seems not to work.

The term "kassa husköpare" means "poor homebuyers":D
You never see ads of the type "We Buy Homes For Cash" here, as you do in the US. I am, however, sure there are people out the willing to buy your property as an investment, even if it is a "fix'er-up'er".

You can try to advertise the property on the Internet site (similar to Craigslist in the US), I am sure there will be interest.
We usually don't by houses cash in Sweden.
Most house sellings here are performed by brokers. They are engaged by the seller to sell the house. As a buyer you can select to pay cash if you can or to finance the house by some bank. You can find the brokers through e.g. our sites for buying and selling houses. The two most common are and
There are some big country wide brookers and usually some smaller local.
@all: many thanks for your prompt and helpful advices

I appreciate any further advices.

I will update some tryings on your given websites.

Have a lovely day to everyone.
@Hubbe2: :D
Continuing to assume that you are trying to sell a property in Sweden, it may be useful to know the process here is MUCH simpler than in the UK or US.

A sale is handled in hours, not months, and a bank can provide all the services you need. There is no need for lawyers, title searches, etc, etc.
@mycke_nu: I acknowledge about the simple process in Sweden when I bought my house.

You are right, I want to sell my house quickly as I am no longer moving to Sweden.

Any advices how to find a buyer quickly?

In the UK or US, many companies offer a quick sale as "cash house buyer", of course their price is less than the market price but the sale may be within 7 days.

Please advise me in my position.

Unfortunately I am trying to contact 2 agents and informed the sale will be about few months time.

My house is in Svenljunga, it is good to access Gothenburg or Boras.
I am not sure how those "cash buy" companies work. But i guess that the process is that they buy and then sell as fast as possible? And that the benefit for the seller is to avoid the complicated legal process of selling that I think is difficut to handle correctly in ex. USA?

Here in Sweden I think that if a company would come up wit the same scheme it would be considered to be a form of real estate agent and that process is fairly well defined by swedish law. An agent is not allowed to buy and sell houses, they can only represent a seller (or buyer).

There was some years ago a real estate agent in Stockhol that offered "guaranteed price" to the sellers. And did that by buying the house or appartment, and then sell again a few weeks later with a 100% add on as profit for the agent. I think the agent was prosecuted for fraud.
Interesting idea, I don't think ithey will be real estate agents, but rather "fastighesbolag",a s you buy/sell real estate professionally. I have no idea if the tax situation is such that this is a good idea, but would like to know...
I understand that you wanrt a quick deal. But again here I think you should consider the difference between Sweden and many other countries from the legal point.

You should be able to sell and get a signed contract with a buyer in a short time, maybe a few weeks (if there are any buyers in teh area). But then it often takes a few months before the actual "hand over" of the house and money.

However compared to for example UK, the deal is done and safe the moment you have a signed contract, then you are guaranteed that the buyer will actually pay for the house, the buyer has no legal way of not paying for the house. Of course it happens in rare cases that the buyer bails out, but that is extremely expensive for the buyer in terms of lawsuits. In UK i have understood that both the seller and the buyer can change their mind until the moment you hand over the keys.
I think the reason the realtors indicate a couple of months is that the economy is slowing down, you simply cannot expect a quick sale in the current market.

Your alternatives are then:

1. Price the house for a fast sell
2. Put the up house for rent - probably not a good option
3. Move and let the realtors sell for you, you do not need to be present in Sweden.

My advice would be to talk to the realtor and discuss the situation. Explain that you are willing to accept a lower price in order to get a quick sale. They should be able to advertise your property as a great opportunity and/or do some extra promotion.
@hempularen: If you go into "cash house buyer" website, you could easily understand how it works. They have lots of cash available, they are cash buyer (no mortgage relate) and agree the sale of any house at discounted price. They even cover all legal fee then the solicitor may conduct the documents within days and you receive your money (cash) to your bank straight away.

The buyer and seller can change their mind until they exchange contract (10% deposit is given), at this point of time, the buyer has fully investigated about the house and ready with finance source (mortgage, cash), after that time changing mind will face legal matter.

I understand it takes months to receive the money of sale, so my topic is raised to find a such type of "cash house buyer" company.
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