I renovated bathroom in 2020. The company who made the renovation provided me a certificate vattentatavatrum.

Now, two of the kakel pops out then i contacted forening to check. They want to demolish complete bathroom. and my insurance does not help me.

How to handle this situation?

nay help would be great help. Thank you in advance.
Do you have a home insurance?
O Odi et Amo skrev:
Do you have a home insurance?
Yes, I do. They don't help me.
Pay for a ”besiktningman”, i.e a professional inspector to check and to write a statement. When you have a formal statement contact a laywer and send a formal letter to the company.

What is the reason that tour insurance company does not want to help?
sschakane sschakane skrev:
Yes, I do. They don't help me.
Globetrot Globetrot skrev:
Pay for a ”besiktningman”, i.e a professional inspector to check and to write a statement. When you have a formal statement contact a laywer and send a formal letter to the company.

What is the reason that tour insurance company does not want to help?
the company who did the renovation is bank corrupt 😢. My insurance company say its society responsibility. Society says they will only work with fel investigation i.e. checking the water leakage in tekton.
sschakane sschakane skrev:
the company who did the renovation is bank corrupt 😢. My insurance company say its society responsibility. Society says they will only work with fel investigation i.e. checking the water leakage in tekton.
Okey, I understand. Then its unfortunately on you I guess.
sschakane sschakane skrev:
I renovated bathroom in 2020. The company who made the renovation provided me a certificate vattentatavatrum.

Now, two of the kakel pops out then i contacted forening to check. They want to demolish complete bathroom. and my insurance does not help me.

How to handle this situation?

nay help would be great help. Thank you in advance.
Föreningen bestämmer inte vad du har för ytskikt eller om du måste riva allt. Det räcker ofta med att byta några kakelplattor.
  • Gilla
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Jonatan79 Jonatan79 skrev:
Föreningen bestämmer inte vad du har för ytskikt eller om du måste riva allt. Det räcker ofta med att byta några kakelplattor.
Beror inte det på om det orsakat en skada?
If the company that is bankrupt had a company insurance (liability insurance) when the job was done. That liability insurance should cover now.

But you need a protocol from a ”besiktningsman” that states what they have done Wrangel.
  • Gilla
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Yes, fins out if you can use their insurance. If you signed a standard contract (Hantverksformuläret), it should be in there.

But first, an inspector. Are you in Stockholm? If so, PM me I have a reference of a good one
Globetrot Globetrot skrev:
Beror inte det på om det orsakat en skada?
Jo, men om det bara är kakelplattor som lossnat = ingen skada, eller risk för skada på föreningens egendom.
  • Gilla
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Can you post a picture?
Globetrot Globetrot skrev:
Yes, fins out if you can use their insurance. If you signed a standard contract (Hantverksformuläret), it should be in there.

But first, an inspector. Are you in Stockholm? If so, PM me I have a reference of a good one
Unfortunately, in Lund, Skåne.
Globetrot Globetrot skrev:
Can you post a picture?
  • Svart golvkakel delvis borttaget från ett hörn i ett rum med vita väggkakelplattor. Kakelplattorna ligger löst på golvet bredvid en trasig yta.
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