D Daniel 109 skrev:
Ja, du tänker fel. I princip inga parkettgolv är massiva. Det är normal tre lager trä olika riktningar där endast det övre är det träslag som syns. Laminatgolv har en fiberkärna och en yta sv plast. Det här ser helt klart ut att vara en fiberkärna med faner. Det är med andra ord trä på ytan och kan med lite god vilja kallas parkett. Om det inte specas något om typ av golv så får man nog räkna med billigast möjligt.

Men det är alltså inte så att TS köpt ett hus som det stod.
MickeTyr MickeTyr skrev:
Jag tror jag uttryckte mig fel. Inte att det var massivt trä men att materialet bestod enbart av trä rakt igenom. Jag förstår att det inte är massivt trä utan har ett slitskickt överst och de andra delarna är av billigare träslag. Däremot har jag aldrig vetat att ett golv som består av 80% spån och limm kan definieras som parkett. Då lärde man sig något nyttigt!
Parkettgolv är normalt lagt i lameller (lamellparkett) men kan vara homogent träslag. Faner på träfiberstomme kallas normalt fanergolv.
Definition av parkett är trä lagt i mönster, men sedan har produkter utvecklats och vad som menas med parkettgolv är nog olika vem man frågar. Bästa vore att man beskriver uppbyggnaden och läggningsmönster för vad man vill ha eller specificerar en färdig produkt för att få den funktion och kvalitet man söker.
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MickeTyr och 2 till
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There is a couple of issues here.
Some state that you should make your case against the BRF. Legay that is true, but if this is a new started BRF i could be quite tricky.

Had a co-worker that had similiar problems and the BRF wasnt started when the contract was signed. Which gave air to the contractor to try to get away from responsibility. In the end it all worked out, but there were quite a few headaches before that. Dont give up here.

When it comes to the floors, sorry if I missed anyones quotes on this, it seems like the following:
1. Along the way of contractors, some have purchased a B or even C sortiment of the manufacturer. Then sold it as A sortiment with full price.
2. The company in charge for flooring had their semi-retarded nephew to to do it. Nephew droppes some of the boards, then forget to wipe of shoes when entering after passing trough the building site with gravel.
Then some other genius try to cover up by sanding/smashing etc it together.
3. A third person from the talent reserve unit nails it
4. Question: Who can guarantee that the heating ( water or electric? ) still works after 8 nails or more have been punched trough this floor? My guess is that the pouring of concrete/liquid filling or under floors is poorly made, and expensive so that they skipped to make it right. Then try to cover it up by nailing these floors.

This is of course not acceptable and should be replaced. Even if this happens in newbuilds a little to often, it shouldnt even be up for debate. Be sure to put some pressure on who is in charge, the contractor or BRF when starting from scratch should have insurences that covers this of the contractor in charge for flooring suddenly goes out of business.

Best of luck!
  • Gilla
MichelleW och 3 till
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Va fan, jag gjorde ju ett bättre jobb med att laga efter en vattenskada från diskmaskinen. Jag har kanske inte tummen mitt i handen men jag vet heller inte vad jag håller på med...
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stavee stavee skrev:
Vi känner oss ludrade.
Vi har ett BRF möte med byggnadsfirman och all radhus ägare idag; jag vill ta upp detta igen
Hur gick mötet?
N Nära nog skrev:
mi-retarded nephew to to do it. Nephew droppes some of the boards, then forget to wipe of shoes when entering after passing trough the building site with gravel.
Appendix Appendix skrev:
How did the meeting go?
(Sorry will take this reply in English.)

The point was raised in the BRF meeting, which is still chaired by the company that built the houses. They understand the problem, and were surprised that nails were used to hold the floor down and that there were issues with damage that was haphazardly fixed. I asked if the floor is parquet and it was confirmed in the meeting that it was parquet (not a laminate floor).

They will set up a meeting with us and the floor company at our house to inspect the floor, in the next days (we have shared some dates with them).

After the meeting, two other neighbours have found nails on their floors too. Let us see how this progresses from here.
  • Gilla
MichelleW och 3 till
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stavee stavee skrev:
(Sorry will take this reply in English.)

The point was raised in the BRF meeting, which is still chaired by the company that built the houses. They understand the problem, and were surprised that nails were used to hold the floor down and that there were issues with damage that was haphazardly fixed. I asked if the floor is parquet and it was confirmed in the meeting that it was parquet (not a laminate floor).

They will set up a meeting with us and the floor company at our house to inspect the floor, in the next days (we have shared some dates with them).

After the meeting, two other neighbours have found nails on their floors too. Let us see how this progresses from here.
Very good. This seems to be the exact same sort of case that my Co-worker was involved in.

Hopefully the company that chairs the BRF now is serious about it and take care of things properly. Beware of that this process can take a while. Sockets, small paintjobs or installations of appliences can be delt with when you have moved in, but make sure that everything has a end/last date.

Flooring however must be delt with before moving in.

When something like this occours, at least I would go trough everything once again so that there are no questionmarks left when the BRF becomes legit as standalone from the company. After that it can be tricky.

Once again,
Best of luck!
  • Gilla
Anna_H och 1 till
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Vi har ett möte med byggherrarna och deras underentreprenörer nästa vecka, där vi går igenom alla öppna punkter inklusive golvet.
  • Gilla
Riverground och 3 till
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Had the meeting with the builder, no conclusion. The contractor was very unhappy when the issues were pointed out, at one point claiming that no one would see the nails and fillings unless you had your nose to the floor.

The builder has promised to speak to the contractor outside our meeting and come back to me.
  • Gilla
MichelleW och 2 till
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Uppdatering! Byggherren bekräftar att entreprenören kommer att fixa golvet, troligen ett nytt golv. Ingen deadline kommunicerad ännu.
  • Gilla
Citrona och 7 till
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