Tjena tjena

Kan komma över stora mängder förzinkade träskruv från polska Klimas till föredömligt pris. Har tänkt använda dessa utomhus. Nån som testat? Hittar ingenstans om dessa är för utomhus- eller inomhusbruk.

Gunnar Gran
They make them for outdoor and indoor use. Qualitatively very good. They bite into the wood very well. And I'm not saying that because I'm Polish. Better than byggmax, which I used to bend with my fingers. When I went to advertise, they looked at me as a strongman in the store. Since then they serve me better... :-D.
  • Gilla
Gunnar Gran
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S sturnus skrev:
They make them for outdoor and indoor use. Qualitatively very good. They bite into the wood very well. And I'm not saying that because I'm Polish. Better than byggmax, which I used to bend with my fingers. When I went to advertise, they looked at me as a strongman in the store. Since then they serve me better... :-D.
Tack för infon! Då är dom inte okända iallafall :)

Hur vet jag om deras skruvar är för utomhus - eller inomhusmiljö? Finner inget som visar klassning eller liknande, det enda jag hittar är att dom har zn-beläggning. Har även tittat i deras produktdatablad utan framgång.
I called the company. They are supposed to send me a catalog by e-mail, but from the conversation I know that ca 80% is suitable outside. Also at an increased risk of corrosion. When I'm in Poland, I buy them to stock up. In addition, they have waxing, which makes screwing easier!
  • Gilla
Gunnar Gran
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Kul! Skriv gärna när du hört mer.
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