Jag har gjort en lösning där jag har en styrning via Shelly av vvb (kopplad via kontaktor) och pelletspannan. Jag har lagt in ett skript som det finns en massa förbättringar att göra på men framförallt funkar det inte just nu. Tanken är att hela tiden använda det billigaste energislaget pellets/el. Därför är tanken att skriptet ska tanka ner prisdata för elen och jämföra detta mot ett värde jag har satt på pelletsen. Om elpriset är högre eller lägre blir det som styr om vvb eller pelletspannan ska gå. För att inte bryta strömmen till pelletspannan mitt i en förbränningscykel så finns en kontrol som väntar på att momentana effekten, om den är över 30W på pelletspannan så väntar skriptet till dess att effekten gått ner under 180 sammanhängande sekunder.

Om högt elpris
Vvb av och pelletspanna på

Om lågt elpris
Pelletspannan av och vvb på.

Om pelletspannan är schemalagd för avstängning nu men effekten på den är över 30W, startar övervakning av effekten till dess att den är under gränsvärdet i 180 sammanhängande sek sedan off.

Är det någon som är grym på kod och hitta vad jag har gjort för fel?

let Pellets_SETTINGS = {
Region: "SE3",
RelayName: "Pelletspanna",
RelayNumbers: [1], // Numret för pelletspannan
Inverted: false,
PostalCode: "",
Latitude: "59.4062",
Longitude: "17.95203",
HeatingHours_MaxTemperature: 25,
HeatingHours_Plus30: 1,
HeatingHours_Plus20: 2,
HeatingHours_Plus10: 3,
HeatingHours_Zero: 5,
HeatingHours_Minus10: 10,
HeatingHours_Minus20: 18,
HeatingHours_Minus30: 24,
HeatingHours_MinTemperature: -25,
MinimumHoursPeriod_IsActive: false,
MinimumHoursPeriod_TemperatureStart: -10,
MinimumHoursPeriod_PriceAllowed: 50,
MinimumHoursPeriod_Hours: [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19],
MinimumHoursPeriod_NumberOfHours: 3,
AllowedDays: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
AllowedMonths: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12],
BackupHours: [1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13, 16, 17, 21, 22],
MaximumPrice: 0.0612, // Ändrad till motsvarande 0,70216 SEK per kWh (0.0612 EUR)
PriceAlwaysAllowed: -999,
PriceModifier_IsActive: true,
PriceModifier_Sum: -2.30 * 11.48, // Modifierat pris i SEK
PriceModifier_Months: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12],
PriceModifier_Days: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
PriceModifier_Hours: [22, 23, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],

console.log("SmartHeating: Script for pelletspannan has started successfully. The first relay action happens in 30 seconds.");
let pellets_cHour = 0; let pellets_Executed = false; let pellets_previousAction = ""; let pellets_invertedOn = "true"; let pellets_invertedOff = "false;"
let pellets_urlToCall = "https://api.spot-hinta.fi/SmartHeating";
if (Pellets_SETTINGS.Inverted === true) { pellets_invertedOn = "false"; pellets_invertedOff = "true"; }

Timer.set(30000, true, function () {
let hour = new Date().getHours();
if (pellets_cHour !== hour) {
pellets_cHour = hour;
pellets_Executed = false;
print("SmartHeating: The hour has now changed and a new relay action is going to be performed.");
if (pellets_cHour == hour && pellets_Executed == true) {
console.log("SmartHeating: This hour has already been executed. Waiting for an hour change.");
Shelly.call("HTTP.POST", { url: pellets_urlToCall, body: Pellets_SETTINGS, timeout: 15, ssl_ca: "*" }, pellets_RunResponse);

function pellets_RunResponse(result, error_code) {
if (error_code === 0 && result !== null) {
if ((result.code === 400 || result.code === 200) && pellets_previousAction === result.code) {
console.log("SmartHeating: Response JSON: " + result.body);
console.log("SmartHeating: No action is done. The relay statuses remain the same as during the previous hour.");
pellets_Executed = true;
if (result.code === 400) {
console.log("SmartHeating: Response JSON: " + result.body);
console.log("SmartHeating: Changing relay status. Hour is too expensive. New relay status (true/false): " + pellets_invertedOff);
Shelly.call("Switch.Set", { id: Pellets_SETTINGS.RelayNumbers[0], on: pellets_invertedOff }, null, null);
pellets_previousAction = result.code;
pellets_Executed = true;
if (result.code === 200) {
console.log("SmartHeating: Response JSON: " + result.body);
console.log("SmartHeating: Changing relay status. Hour is cheap enough. New relay status (true/false): " + pellets_invertedOn);
Shelly.call("Switch.Set", { id: Pellets_SETTINGS.RelayNumbers[0], on: pellets_invertedOn }, null, null);
pellets_previousAction = result.code;
pellets_Executed = true;
if (result.code === 422) {
console.log("SmartHeating: Configuration error: " + JSON.stringify(result));
pellets_Executed = false;

pellets_previousAction = "";
if (Pellets_SETTINGS.BackupHours.indexOf(pellets_cHour) > -1) {
console.log("SmartHeating: Error while fetching control information. It is a backup hour now. New relay status (true/false): " + pellets_invertedOn);
Shelly.call("Switch.Set", { id: Pellets_SETTINGS.RelayNumbers[0], on: pellets_invertedOn }, null, null);
pellets_Executed = false;
} else {
console.log("SmartHeating: Error while fetching control information. It is not a backup hour now. New relay status (true/false): " + pellets_invertedOff);
Shelly.call("Switch.Set", { id: Pellets_SETTINGS.RelayNumbers[0], on: pellets_invertedOff }, null, null);
pellets_Executed = false;
let ElectricHeater_SETTINGS = {
Region: "SE3",
RelayName: "Elpatron",
RelayNumbers: [0], // Numret för elpatronen
Inverted: false,
PostalCode: "",
Latitude: "59.4062",
Longitude: "17.95203",
HeatingHours_MaxTemperature: 25,
HeatingHours_Plus30: 1,
HeatingHours_Plus20: 2,
HeatingHours_Plus10: 3,
HeatingHours_Zero: 5,
HeatingHours_Minus10: 10,
HeatingHours_Minus20: 18,
HeatingHours_Minus30: 24,
HeatingHours_MinTemperature: -25,
MinimumHoursPeriod_IsActive: false,
MinimumHoursPeriod_TemperatureStart: -10,
MinimumHoursPeriod_PriceAllowed: 50,
MinimumHoursPeriod_Hours: [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19],
MinimumHoursPeriod_NumberOfHours: 3,
AllowedDays: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
AllowedMonths: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12],
BackupHours: [1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13, 16, 17, 21, 22],
MaximumPrice: 0.0612, // Ändrad till motsvarande 0,70216 SEK per kWh (0.0612 EUR)
PriceAlwaysAllowed: -999,
PriceModifier_IsActive: true,
PriceModifier_Sum: -2.30 * 11.48, // Modifierat pris i SEK
PriceModifier_Months: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12],
PriceModifier_Days: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
PriceModifier_Hours: [22, 23, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],

console.log("SmartHeating: Script for elpatronen has started successfully. The first relay action happens in 30 seconds.");
let heater_cHour = 0; let heater_Executed = false; let heater_previousAction = ""; let heater_invertedOn = "true"; let heater_invertedOff = "false;"
let heater_urlToCall = "https://api.spot-hinta.fi/SmartHeating";
if (ElectricHeater_SETTINGS.Inverted === true) { heater_invertedOn = "false"; heater_invertedOff = "true"; }

Timer.set(30000, true, function () {
let hour = new Date().getHours();
if (heater_cHour !== hour) {
heater_cHour = hour;
heater_Executed = false;
console.log("SmartHeating: The hour has now changed and a new relay action is going to be performed.");
if (heater_cHour == hour && heater_Executed == true) {
console.log("SmartHeating: This hour has already been executed. Waiting for an hour change.");
Shelly.call("HTTP.POST", { url: heater_urlToCall, body: ElectricHeater_SETTINGS, timeout: 15, ssl_ca: "*" }, heater_RunResponse);

function heater_RunResponse(result, error_code) {
if (error_code === 0 && result !== null) {
if ((result.code === 400 || result.code === 200) && heater_previousAction === result.code) {
console.log("SmartHeating: Response JSON: " + result.body);
console.log("SmartHeating: No action is done. The relay statuses remain the same as during the previous hour.");
heater_Executed = true;
if (result.code === 400) {
console.log("SmartHeating: Response JSON: " + result.body);
console.log("SmartHeating: Changing relay status. Hour is too expensive. New relay status (true/false): " + heater_invertedOff);
Shelly.call("Switch.Set", { id: ElectricHeater_SETTINGS.RelayNumbers[0], on: heater_invertedOff }, null, null);
heater_previousAction = result.code;
heater_Executed = true;
if (result.code === 200) {
console.log("SmartHeating: Response JSON: " + result.body);
console.log("SmartHeating: Changing relay status. Hour is cheap enough. New relay status (true/false): " + heater_invertedOn);
Shelly.call("Switch.Set", { id: ElectricHeater_SETTINGS.RelayNumbers[0], on: heater_invertedOn }, null, null);
heater_previousAction = result.code;
heater_Executed = true;
if (result.code === 422) {
console.log("SmartHeating: Configuration error: " + JSON.stringify(result));
heater_Executed = false;

heater_previousAction = "";
if (ElectricHeater_SETTINGS.BackupHours.indexOf(heater_cHour) > -1) {
console.log("SmartHeating: Error while fetching control information. It is a backup hour now. New relay status (true/false): " + heater_invertedOn);
Shelly.call("Switch.Set", { id: ElectricHeater_SETTINGS.RelayNumbers[0], on: heater_invertedOn }, null, null);
heater_Executed = false;
} else {
console.log("SmartHeating: Error while fetching control information. It is not a backup hour now. New relay status (true/false): " + heater_invertedOff);
Shelly.call("Switch.Set", { id: ElectricHeater_SETTINGS.RelayNumbers[0], on: heater_invertedOff }, null, null);
heater_Executed = false;
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