I wish I could write this in Swedish :confused:
I don't know Swedish...
I would be very grateful if anyone could advise on this:
I am going to have new laminate flooring for my bedroom.
I've found a company that can do the job for me.
Now, I'm asked to choose a material from "Pergo".
Could anyone tell me if "Pergo Elegant Ek 3-stav" a good choice?
Or, there is a better option? Is there anything that I need to be aware of?
Such as the size, shape and thickness?
Should I put anything in particular on the contract?
I've no knowledge of flooring. This is my first time to choose a laminate flooring material.
I very much hope to choose the best one.
Your advice on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Tack så mycket!;)
Some years ago Pergo was considered the best laminate floorboard in à test in à magazine, i've forgotten which one. They tested resistance to water and wear and tear. As I said, this was some years ago and perhaps the other manufacturers have caught up by now.

Please do pardon my limited english vacabulary. Also my swedish iPad tries to change every english word i write. The opposite of à spellcheck one might say.
Hej Fred! Tack så mycket for your response! I heard that Pergo is good, too! After hearing your comment, I'm more confident of Pergo's laminate flooring now :D
I used Pergo's laminate flooring when I renovated a flat almost 10 years ago, and if I were to use laminate flooring again I wouldn't hesitate in choosing Pergo again. It was easy to put in place and maintain.

Two advice before the floor is put in place:
- As the floor is rather thin, make sure that the surface is more or less perfectly even before putting in the laminate flooring.
- If it is put on top of concrete, it is recommended putting in "byggfolie" (thin plastic) in between the concrete and the laminate flooring.

Finally, once the flooring is in place, be careful with water and use it with moderation when cleaning the floor.
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