jag bor i Finland och vi har köpt en hus med Legalett golvvärme. Legalett är inte so vanlig i Finland och därför jag skriver här. Tyvärr min svenska är inte so bra men jag försöker! Engelska är lettare för mig men svenska går också!

Är ni nöjd med Legalett? Har ni hade problemer med Legalett?

Jag är taksam om alla svaren! I am grateful if anyone has time to aswer!
I have installed legalett (electric and hot water) in a few projects as a contractor.
The owners were happy after 2 years as we did the 2 year guarantee.
We did meet one of the families after 8 years for another project and they were still satisfied with the floor heating.
So I don´t know how it works after like 10 years, or if there is any other issues with the insert.
But the pipes you don’t have to worry about, they will last as long as the slab.
It’s the electrical inert or the fan that might have some issues after a few years.

How old is the system? is it easy acces to the insert?
Thank you so much for answering! Tack!

The house was built 2008-2010 so the system is a little over ten years old. There is an easy acces to the inserts so that is no problem. Both are located in closets for clothes and the floor is not "closed". We have been thinking about switching the inserts from electrical to the ones with hot water. We also have a fireplace attached to the system and the sellers exaggerated how much one can heat with the fireplace so we need lots of electricity as well.

But it's good to know that we don't have to worry about the pipes. And the inserts can be replaced.

If one would not use the floor heating system, would it do any damage to the slab? Thank you again if you have time to answer!
This is my hypothetical scenario if you shut of the system.
the pipes are made of thick plastic and i'm sure the concrete slab and the pipes won't take any damage from not beeing used.
If you change the heating system to an air based systyem and the concrete slab will cool down there is a risk for condensation in the pipes.
If you get condensation in the pipes it's just a procedure when you take it back online to blow dry warm air through the system before you install the insert.
This is due to the electric motor in the insert lasting longer from corrotion.

The thikness of the insulation of the slab has a large impact if you can get a cool concrete slab or not.
if you have more than 100mm of insulation this vill not be an issue. and if you seal the instert hole from room air to get in to the pipes.
Hi and thank you again for your aswer!
The insulation under the slab is 200mm. Somehow it feels that the heating system is not efficient enough and that is the reason I'm thinking about changing the hole system, but then again maybe that is not wise.

It feels that the outer parts of the house are not as warm as the center regardless if we use the fireplace or the electric units. Would love to have old fashion water filled radiators instead of this air floor heating system.
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