Jag får lite då och då PM gällande Paradox så jag började skriva på en guide mest för mig själv, men jag tänkte kolla intresset här i forumet så jag vet om det finns ett allmänintresse i forumet. Är ingen expert men tycker det är kul att dela med mig av det jag lärt mig.

Guiden kommer behandla till en början hur man programmerar Paradox EVOHD och IP150 genom Babyware och därefter utökas med de lite mer intressanta enheterna i ekosystemet (de enheter som jag äger) t.ex. RTX3, HD77, ACM12, R915, SR130 mfl. Även konfiguration av apparna Insight och iParadox.
  • Gilla
Klassson och 1 till
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Klart det finns intresse
Ok här kommer ett första utkast på guiden.
Tacksam för eventuella kommentarer så jag vet om det är värt att fortsätta.

edit: finns ett fel bla i Exit Delay Termination på sidan 11. Ska stå: ...monterad och vald som Entry Delay i Zones.
Redigerat av moderator:
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Har ju inte Paradox men gör en del servicemanualer till killarna på jobbet som skall underlätta för oftast är det alldeles för komplexa manualer och inte direkt pedagigiskt upplagda för att snabbt komma igång med en basic installation.
De vet nog alla som första gången skall programmera tex en Power1616.

Tycker du gjort ett bra jobb och extra plus för bilden hur IR-detektorn är kopplad med motstånden :)
Paradox har släppt ny Babyware v2.43.7

Övriga uppdateringar, går att ta hem via Infield:

FW V4.5 för EVOHD:
EVOHD 192-Zone Control Panel - V4.50
•Add the support of the acm12 in standalone mode
•Split the event buffer of 2048 into two different buffer, 1 security events buffer of 512 events and 1 access control events of 3072 events

FW V4.5 för EVO192:
•The EVO192 now supports the ACM12 V4.50 with Off-Line Mode. This version has been created to support the new features of the ACM12.
•The Event buffer is now split into two categories, Security with a capacity of 512 events and Access with a capacity of 3072 events.

V2.13 - PCS250/PCS250G
V1.39 - IP150

Nytt: Standalone Off-Line Feature
The ACM12 v4.5 fully supports offline functionality. In the case of panel connection loss, the ACM12 will switch to offline mode and will fully function with user access level and schedules; arm / disarm user permissions will be overridden. While resuming communications with the panel, all programming changes will be updated. In Offline mode, events are not kept and if an ACM12 detects connection to a different EVO panel, data will be erased and the new panel data will be synchronized.

PLEASE NOTE : If you are currently using the ACM12 with PGM functionality, you may want to consider staying with v4.21 at this time until future information is made available for a solution including this option.

The ACM12 v4.50 is designed to be used with the Paradox EVO system. It allows you to manage access of one door, via card, pin or both, provide forced door and door left open detection, and arm/disarm functions. The ACM12 v4.50 supports full offline standalone functionality with full synchronization upon restore. It supports one reader, a REX, door contact that can be an alarm zone, and a door locking device. With accelerated response of up to 999 users, simple, minimal programing and easy installation, the ACM12 is designed to provide you with a reliable, professional access solution.

ACM12 V4.5 is compatible only with panels EVOHD v4.5 and higher / EVO192 v4.5 and higher.

Upgrade Note
When upgrading, it is advised to upgrade the panel first and then upgrade the ACM12 module to the latest version. Previous ACM12 versions will lose connectivity with the panel and work in safe mode.

Paradox har även släppt en helt ny typ av detektor. Inte sett något liknande tidigare...
16M Dual Mironel Optics Pet Immune Anti-Mask Detectors
finns även som NV75MW: Same as the NV75M with added Dual Microwave 10 GHz micro size antenna, SeeTrue technology with soft/strict selection.
Ny GSM/GPRS larmsändare på G, 60 mA standby, 300 mA maximum.
Kommer nog själv byta till denna då strömförbrukningen är betydligt bättre.

The PCS260 and PCS265 deliver GSM, 3G and 2G communication,
as well as GSM dialing reporting and data exchange solutions for
Paradox systems.

The PCS260/PCS265 provide reliable reporting and two-way
communication between Paradox control panels and their
respective monitoring stations, as well as personal messaging.
Using cellular networks, the PCS260/PCS265 report system
events to the monitoring station’s automation software via 3G,
GPRS, GSM, and SMS backup. The PCS260/PCS265 can be used
as a primary communicator or as a backup channel to traditional
landline or IP reporting. The modules support remote control
capabilities allowing you to arm and disarm with text message
(SMS). The PCS260/PCS265 can send SMS text messages to up
to 16 mobile phone recipients for alarms and system events such
as power loss.

The PCS260 is simple to install via a four-wire serial connection
up to 2m (6 ft) from the panel. The PCS modules provide optional
antenna cable extensions to help improve reception, if required.
The PCS265 provides an easy and secured remote installation
from the panel, connected via RS485 bus up to 300m (1000 ft) from
the panel, while a lithium backup battery provides sufficient power
to communicate on the cellular network or when disconnected
from the panel to signal loss supervision. Battery will be charged to
provide power even when connected with popular 18 gauge wire,
eliminating the need for external power supply. On the panel side
a serial to RS485 converter (CVT485) should be used.

  • 3G reporting of system events to IPR512 Monitoring Receiver or to the IPRS-7 IP/GPRS PC Receiver Software
  • GSM dialing / reporting to central station via CID or SIA formats
  • 2G auto reconnect in case of 3G failures (European version)
  • PCS265 version with lithium backup battery and RS485 bus, allows remote installation with small gauge wires up to 300m (1000 ft)
  • Report via text message (up to 16 mobile phone recipients)
  • Supports two SIM cards for provider redundancy
  • Bi-directional supervision - The PCS265 will report panel lost, the control panel will generate a trouble, as well as, report it to the monitoring station via IP150 or landline
  • End-user arm disarm functions by sending a text message (SMS)
  • Simple 4-wire installation
  • Optional extension antenna with up to 18m (60 ft) from the module
  • Dual tamper switch (wall and cover removal)
  • Upload/download and upgrade with BabyWare via a 3G connection
  • Encrypted communication (128-bit AES)
Intressant. Den här tråden kommer följas.
Lite ny info om Paradox Insite Gold

Nu har jag dock ingen aning om hur appen fungerar, pga det står att de valt att börja ta betalt för tjänsten.
I dagsläget är det för mig lite oklart om betalning ska sprida sig till andra tjänster än själva Insite Gold-appen eller om gamla Insite-appen ska sluta fungera. Har försökt fråga men inte fått svar.
Hittade den här infon på ungerska som google fick översätta.
Verkar lite konstigt måste jag säga men jag förstår inte heller allt.
Får se vad svenska paradox säger...

We are pleased to inform our partners that the SP family prepared for the latest version of the communication modules:

PCS250, PCS250G, PCS260, PCS265, IP150 and IP camera HD78

support, and with them the use of Insite Gold application that Android and iOS platforms will be available.

We launched a new operating under different principles PMH DNS service. This use of a registration, and after one year of payment by credit card might be (this process has already installed the program mobileszközünkre way to do so), and only supports devices updated to the new version. The Gold Purchase Insite software is free, the registration costs will be shared between the service user.

Of course, the previously registered and installed modules are still available in the old PMH interface, but the new version of assets no longer in use.

The following version numbers are supported Insite Gold, and the use of new PMH service:

PCS260 265 PCS250, 250G-001 - V3.00

HD78 - V1.1.3

IP150 - v3.01

SP Series: V6.1

The improvements in the future as a result of the EVO 192 and the EVOH center is included in the group of supported devices.

It is important to know that the software does not support the updated iParadox devices, the manufacturer supports the program by September 2017, followed by the development of error correction is completed.

The new service subscription prices:

Trial Period: 10USD / 1year and 40USD / 3 yrs

final start of the service (1 March 2017) are: 24USD / 1year and 55USD / 3 yrs
Mer info ang ovan. Senaste Babyware är nu 4.0.8

The SWAN server allows seamless and reliable connection without any IP programing, port forwarding or UPNP, as well as push notifications and also for the first time mobile application connection via the cellular modules PCSXXX to the systems. The new SWAN server provides system supervision with push notification if lost.

The PCSXXX V4.0, IP150 V4.0 and BabyWare V4.0, are in now production which are only compatible with the new PMH SWAN server. You will see these versions in the next few months. Unfortunately when new versions are used we are unable to support any new connections for the old PMH, for the same reason, IP150 and PCS devices with version 4.0 or later will not be able to downgrade to previous versions.

•Connectivity: When powered and connected to an internet connection, all IP devices including IP150, PCS and HD78 V1.3 or later, will automatically connect to the PMH SWAN server, allowing connection with the Insite GOLD app and upload/download connection with BabyWare

•Free Mobile Application: The new Insite Gold application is free combined with PMH yearly site monitoring low fee for using the new SWAN server will provide access to all system features (Free to download off the App Store)

•iParadox: Customers currently using the iParadox AP will still have connectivity to the old PMH site, however compatibility to new operating systems for IOS and Android, cannot be guaranteed as there will be no further development to the iParadox AP
Ny större manöverpanel
•7" vivid color display
•Compatible with Swan, EVO and Spectra
•Built - in zone input
•Customizable labels (zones, partitions, users, and PGMs)
•External SD Media Card slot (4GB with 2GB of free space) for uploading photos; acts like a digital picure frame
•Firmware upgradable via SD card or Bus with Swan system
•Indoor temperature reading

  • Manöverpanel med 7 tum färgskärm som visar fyrverkerier, SD-kortplats och anpassningsbara etiketter.
    Inloggade ser högupplösta bilder
    Skapa konto
    Gratis och tar endast 30 sekunder
  • Gilla
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Hittade video på nya Insite Gold Appen. Liknar gamla iParadox, men har nu push och kamerastöd för nya HD78 mm. Nackdelen är att det blir betaltjänst om man uppgraderar firmware till det nya swan-tjänsten för att få tillgång till Insite Gold.
Härligt initiativ!

Har själv installerat Paradox system sen 5 år tillbaka i både Winload och Babyware.. Det är mycket på gång nu gällande Paradox då utvecklingen flyttat från Canada till Israel, tyvärr kommer det upplägget Paradox kör med idag att vara helt förändrat inom kort då man ska jobba fram en annan struktur bland deras centraler och övriga produkter. Förhoppningsvis görs detta till det bättre..
Vi vill skicka notiser för ämnen du bevakar och händelser som berör dig.