Hi everyone

I am sorry to write in English.

I have a house in Svenljunga. The house is empty, it is hard to let it, and the sales price is not good at this time.

My friend says I can register my house with local council (Kommun) for rent at their price. I was explained Kommun deals with request of house for Swedish. I email them twice without response.

Please give me advices.

Will it work as my friend told me? Who is the one I should contact?

I appreciate your help.

Many thanks.

Well i guess you could arrange for a long time contract for your house with Svenljunga municipality's so called Bostadssocila grupp. They are a subdivision of Socialtjänsten in that county. They will probably gladly accept your offer. But buyers beware, Bostadssociala gruppen (slang/nickname BOS) only deals with that category of tenants that no other sane landlord would rent to. So you could expect to see drug users, alcoholics, people with strange mental disorders to live in and probably trash up your house. The neighbors to your house will probably get furious over time, so this is a scheme that wont hold long, a couple of years at most. Make sure you get ample paid, because there will be some serous wear and tear to your property.
@jenssoderberg: it's so nice you are
Can you give me more details to contact them, email, phone number, website?
My house is in Svenljunga.

However your warning makes me worried.

Anyone has experience about this matter, please advice.

Thanks a lot.
Enhetschef (socialtjänsten)
Angeli Karlsson, tf
0325-180 00 vx

The one who could perhaps help you further might be Angeli Karlsson. But i have to warn you, i have no frame of reference for those parts of Sweden, so i do not know if they have a special group called BOS. But Angeli Karlsson ought to help you out in this particular matter.

(I had to search wikipedia for some information and it seems to be a really small city and municipality, hence fewer people with special needs, hence perhaps no BOS)
I am not sure if Svenljunga kommun is searching for places to rent for people who need somewhere to stay. If you are to offer them your house I'll try to call the switchboard of Svenljunga kommun - they will most probably help you out to find the right department. +46 325 18000.

But I'll suggest you first try to advertise at www.blocket.se. If you are lucky you might find a nice family who will rent your place. As you know Svenljunga is not so crowded, so it might get hard but I think its worth trying.

Good luck!
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