Hi everyone

I bought a house in Sweden last Christmas but have not lived in, I am in the UK.

Please advise if I can have discount or exempt from any "government fee". I did pay one year "land tax" (as I understand) in January.

I was advised to speak to Tax Agency http://www.skatteverket.se, is it correct?

I received the bills for electricity and paid it. How to let them know because I think I am overcharged too much. Should I ask them to check the meter reader as soon as possible and let them know about my case.

Thank you very much.

I guess the tax your talking about is "fastighetsavgift" that's a municipal fee, and you can't get rid of it from what I understand, the fee is ~6300SEK per year or 0.75% of your "taxeringsvärde" (rateable?) wichever is lowest.
The electricity bill consists of one fixed part that you have to pay and then they usually charge you for your expected usage, but they usually check the meter from time to time, every few months or so. But to be sure call your electricity comany and ask, i'm sure they'll speak english.
@sad_ant: Thank you.
You know which number I can ask about "fastighetsavgift"?
congchua84 skrev:
I was advised to speak to Tax Agency [länk], is it correct?
Yes, that would be a good place to start. In the upper right corner You have a link to "Other languages",

You can also call them at +46 8 564 851 60
Make sure you choose a contract with your electricity supplier, otherwise you will pay a lot more than you have to. For example if you have vattenfall you will pay 1.36SKR/kwh, but if you just make a call to them and choose a contract for example "spot price" you will pay 0.97SKR/kwh, so it's quite a bit more expensive not to make that call...
You can change the supplier if you like but that dosn't make the same big difference the difference is in not choosing anything at all... If you choose another supplier then you still have to pay "your" electricity company the fixed fee for the lines and stuff.
sad_ant skrev:
I guess the tax your talking about is "fastighetsavgift" that's a municipal fee, and you can't get rid of it from what I understand, the fee is ~6300SEK per year or 0.75% of your "taxeringsvärde" (rateable?) wichever is lowest.
The electricity bill consists of one fixed part that you have to pay and then they usually charge you for your expected usage, but they usually check the meter from time to time, every few months or so. But to be sure call your electricity comany and ask, i'm sure they'll speak english.
The electricity companies remote-read the electricety meter every moth and do not charge you for expected usage.

But i think you should contact the electric company to change your subscription to a better one, the one you get automatically is an expensive one.
Henke, I don't belive that's true everywhere, most of the places I think you're right but not everywhere? A few years ago we had to send in our meters every year for our vacation home. Anyway it's best to check...
I would also like to suggest google translate, it can now translate from/to swedish.
sad_ant skrev:
Henke, I don't belive that's true everywhere, most of the places I think you're right but not everywhere? A few years ago we had to send in our meters every year for our vacation home. Anyway it's best to check...
I would also like to suggest google translate, it can now translate from/to swedish.
Yes but since 2010 a law states that the electrical companies may not charge for expected usage, hence the meterchages. of course this might not still work everywere but then THEY have to go out to read the meter every moth.
Thanks for the info, good to know.
Why do you think you're overcharged then? Maybe you should look over what you have that might be consuming electricity?
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