I am going to put some plasterboard (Gips) up in the house.

What is the Swedish for... "jointing Tape" and "Jointing compound?" (the filler / adhesive that you put in the joints between boards).

Is one brand better than another?

Tak för hjälpen
You should look for "Spackel". That's the jointing compund/filler you use. This comes in medium, fin ( =fine) grain.

The jointing tapes on the market are "glasfiberremsa" ( =a reel of self adhesive glass fibre web) and most preferably "pappersremsa" which is a reel of paper that's not self adhesive but much better in avoiding cracks in the joints between the boards compared to the "glasfiberremsa". The "pappersremsa" should be put in between the "Spackel" when it is still wet, but it's a possibility to glue it to the boards as well after the first thin layer of "spackel" has dried.

I haven't seen any big differences between brands of "spackel". I find the "pappersremsa" that is easiest to work with is the one with small holes in it to prevent air bubbles.

What do you other guys say, have I missed anything critical?

Good luck and welcome here!
First of all you need "pappersremsa". Watch out for the more common "glasfiberremsa". The advantages of pappersremsa is that it is flexible in all directions. Glasfiberremsa is relatively weak in one direction. Therefore everybody recommends pappersremsa. If your store does not recommend it, go to another store.

You also need Spackel - jointing compund. The best spackel for this kind of job, is the one called Skivspackel - which is more creamy(!). Unfortunately I have not seen that spackel in a do-it-yourself-store like Bauhaus,K-rauta... Try a Alcro Beckers store or Flügger-store.

1) Apply a thin layer spackel. Put the pappersremsa in the wet spackel. Let it dry. Professionals have no time to wait... but I recommend that you take the time.

2) Apply 1-3 layers with spackel and let it dry between the layers.

ps. There is practically one producer of spackel in sweden - Scanspac, so the differences are pretty small when it comes to the swedish brands.

ps2. I have a friend who bought spackel from Byggmax. He will never do it again. Crap, he said. Hard to work with, and sinks when it dries.
I hope that I understood you right. Here are the Swedish words:
Jointing Tape: Spackelremsa
Jointing Compound: Spackel

There are at least two basic types of "Spackel" The first one is "Grov" which could be translated as Course and the second one is of course "Fin" which is fine granulated. So, use Grovspackel first, then Finspackel.
When it comes to plastering gypsum boards, I think it unnecessary to buy two products. You just fill approx 3 mm, so in my opinion the "grovspackel" is like killing mosquitos with a shotgun.
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Is the word 'drywall' an american english expression? Compared to plaster gypsum board...
Wow thanks for all the replies...

yeah drywall is an american term.. it is used in the UK but we don't tend to use the "drywall" method of building as much as a lot of our walls are made of brick so are plastered over rather than using plasterboards attached to a wooden or metal frame. Sometimes we use a mixture of both (boards with no tapered edge) that are just screwed to a wall then the complete wall / ceiling will be skimmed by a plasterer.

I have done some drywall in the uk so I've had a bit of practice.. just trying to get to grips with all the Swedish terms and where to buy everything. (thanks for the tips with Acro beckers and Flugger)
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