
Ursäkta jag skriver detta mejl på engelska - jag är en nybörjare på svenska.

We have moved into a house in Skåne (so a damp climate) that has clear/unpainted pine windows

I am guessing they need to be sanded, oiled and lacquered each season?

Can someone recommend which products to use on the windows each season here in Sweden?

Tack på förhand!
I would go to a paintstore and ask them what they think :) Maybe not the answer you wore hoping for, but I am pretty sure they know what's best.

I would try "Nordsjö idé & design". They are a PRO-store, great products and pricey.
And btw; welcome to Sweden! :)
Tack för alla svar och rad - och den varma välkommen!
If the windows are unpainted, (and not brand new), they have probably been treated with oil every seson. It is a solution if one does not want painted windows. The oil to use is okokt/rå linolja.

If you want to paint the windows I suggest to use linoljefärg. It is an old classic, and still the best in my view.

Linolja and linoljefärg and knowledge about how to use them is provided by f ex Ottossons (https://ottossonfarg.com/). You can also try with byggnadsvård (google).
Oldboy is right. He's not only old, he's wise as well. :D
  • Gilla
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Flatter! I like that! Keep it coming! (y)
Sorry for this OT, but I'm only human... :surprised:
  • Gilla
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