I recently bought a country house from the 1940s and all the water pipes in the whole house seem to have these suspicious white things under what I think is brown wool. It is also not specific to corners, it seems to be around all parts, from workers who accidentally made some exposures like this when adding new electrical outlets. This is in the lounge wall but it's the same in the basement. My question is, would asbestos be found around all the pipes that this substance is? In every wall and just along straight pipes too? Sorry my poor Swedish, I had to use a translation tool for this :) Utsnitt av en vägg med ett hål som avslöjar en vit substans omgiven av brun ullsliknande material runt ett rör.
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Hålet i träväggen med synliga vattenrör isolerade med en brun ullliknande substans och vita beläggningar.
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Is that straight pipe on the pictures? If so, I'd guess that all pipes in your house have asbestos around them. The white stuff is asbestos, the brown is not.

Usually in Sweden, old pipe insulation was usually glass fiber with cotton-gypsum weave around. It was usually common that asbestos was plastered around bends because it was easier to apply than gypsum and it turned out prettier.

As long as there's something to cover the asbestos, there won't be any airborne fibers.
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