All hjälp och råd i hög grad fått eftersom jag är engelska och har precis köpt en stuga i Sverige.

Jag fick en faktura för ny ledning dras av en 45sqm stugan jag köpte. Fakturan för SEK 97.762 (inkl. Moms), vilket är nästan en tredjedel av vad jag köpte stugan för. Det har ingenting märkvärdigt i den och leverantören inte leverera ljus, radiatorer etc. De har diskonterat det till SEK 70.474 (inkl. Moms).

Återstår 121 timmar verkar överdriven mig för ny ledning dras en 45sqm stuga (kök, sovrum, vardagsrum och badrum) och det finns skillnader mellan vad som levereras och vad som fakturerats.

Ska jag bara betala eller är det fortfarande extremt? Om jag inte acceptera fakturan är det någon form av godkänd elektrisk samhället jag kan gå för att få en oberoende dom? Jag kan betala räkningen men inte gillar känslan som om jag varit otrogen.

Hoppas detta är meningsfullt eftersom jag använde en översättare.
Ja, översättaren behöver nog justeras lite grann. Men vad är det som har kostat 70474 kr? Är det en totalrenovering av elsystemet i en stuga på 45m² så verkar det lite i överkant. Men att säga vad som är rätt och fel i det här fallet är mycket svårt att säga då vi varken vet vad som skulle ingå eller standarden på installationen.
Kanske är matning (typ Vattenfalls) med fasta avgifter.
Fanns det någon EL i stugan tidigare.

Perhaps write in english.

  • Gilla
Pablo Anttila
  • Laddar…
We won't mind if you write in English. Try us! I know that some of the most frequent - and knowledgeable - visitors to this site have lived in the US.
Some follow-up questions: Do you mean electrical wiring indoors or the supply line (I don't know the exact English word) from the electrical company? Did the electrician first suggest the higher sum and then lowered it when you objected to the amount?
If this concerns indoor wiring: did the electrician put the wires in the walls or on the walls?
I can't think of any further questions for now... so please post again when you need more help.
The project was for the internal wiring but did include external wiring from a new underground supply provided by Fortum; so 8m of external cable running from external wall of cottage to inside. But after that it was all internal with most cables being put in the walls except for one room which was already insulated; there cable and sockets had to be wall mounted. Basically there was 6 light fittings, 12 double sockets (3 of which were wall mounted), 5 single sockets (2 wall mounted), TV Antenna connection and telephone. There is three single light switches and two double switches.

The electrician invoiced the higher sum and lowered it when I objected.

But it still seems too high especially when there is items I can't explain e.g. 2 bathroom fans when I can only see one. 200m of FLEXRÖR when the cottage is only 45sqm and all the lights, some sockets and light switches have been wall mounted. The fuse box is central. I cannot see how they could use 100m of FLEXRÖR, never mind 200m.
around 700 sek per sqm are what you can use for a reference when calculating eclectic works ( in new production )
Is there some sort of adjudicator I can go to, because using 700 SEK per sqm the original invoice was 3 times the cost and even now it is over double the charge.
Kan någon översätta anslutningsavgift (till Fortum) eller fanns det ström framme redan??

post foto?
Hi Sharonmc!
I hope you don´t mind, but here is a translation of what you had written.
sharonmc skrev:
Jag kan betala räkningen men inte gillar känslan som om jag varit otrogen.
= I can pay the bill, but I don´t like the feeling as if I had been unfaithful. :eek: :D
OK, is it an old cabin with an existing (working) supply line or did Fortum have to start a new "subscription" (probably not the adequate English word, but I haven't spent much of my adult life in the US, even though I am a Texan at heart, of course:D.)
Did the electrician do anything beyond the wiring; did he install new breakers/fuses or a new fuse cabinet? Did you agree beforehand on the price-an-hour? Did the electrician specify work contra material cost?
My reading is obviously poor in the morning... I notice that you already specified that the supply line is (completely) new. Sorry...
Starting a new "subscription" may cost a bit, does anyone else on the forum now the specific amount?
I think "subscription" is called connection charge in english. It will be invoiced from the electrical company(Fortum) and not from the electrician. The fee can vary between 16 000 - 25 000:- SEK.
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