Hi there,
We live in a one floor detached/ radhus , 3 bedroom. we use old Elvärme / boiler ( thermia ept13) for heating with radiator. Could I ask: Do we save money if I spend 25-30,000kr to buy and fix a luftvärmepump in our radhus, please have this in mind that we must have this Elvärme running , because we need hot water for bathroom/ slower…I’m not really knowledgeable person , but I’m thinking turning off radiators in the winter and using Elvärme only for shower….and luftvärmepumpen for heat. Many thanks in advance for sharing your experience.
This depends a lot on the floor plan of your house. For an air/air heat pump to effectivley heat up a house you need to have an open floor plan so the warm air can disperse into all areas. There is a high "risk" that the bedrooms and bathroom will be cold.

If you have radiators and the pipes already you may want to look into a heatpump that works with an air/water solution. That would replace the EPT13 and make hot water as well as heat the house but it is a bigger investment.

To get better advice you should add a floor plan of your house ond maybe contact a professional for a more in depth analysis of your situation.
  • Gilla
SågspånPappspikEternit och 2 till
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T Testarn skrev:
This depends a lot on the floor plan of your house. For an air/air heat pump to effectivley heat up a house you need to have an open floor plan so the warm air can disperse into all areas. There is a high "risk" that the bedrooms and bathroom will be cold.

If you have radiators and the pipes already you may want to look into a heatpump that works with an air/water solution. That would replace the EPT13 and make hot water as well as heat the house but it is a bigger investment.

To get better advice you should add a floor plan of your house ond maybe contact a professional for a more in depth analysis of your situation.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, our radhus it’s a one floor open plan, and I’m aware of bedrooms, we need to let the doors open,we may still need to let bedrooms radiators running sometimes, however in the hall / kitchen / living room there’s 2 big radiators 4/5 miter long both together, we could turn these off, so this is it and I was wondering if we could save some money with air/air heating pump,

Could I ask , as u mentioned, yes already we have old pipes around the house in place for radiators,
But if we want to go ahead with heat pumps to be replaced with our old Elvarme, what is the cost we looking at approximately, min/max, and how long Times will take to replace. Many thanks 🙏,
I’m welcoming new opinions 🙏
It is very hard to say as there are multiple brands with different features and sizes etc. The installation should be quite quick I think; they have to disconnect the old Thermia, install the new heat pump in its place and then set up the outside unit before connecting them. This shouldn't take more than a few days, at least not more than a week and some of the work can be done before disconnecting your current furnace so you won't be without heating or hot water for more than a day or two.

The savings on electricity you make from a air/water heat pump should be substantial though as you get both heat and hot water from it so I think it is a viable option.

To get two or three companies to come and have a look and give you an estimate/offer would be a smart move. If they also install air/air solutions they can see if your house is suitable and give an estimate for that as well. Then you have more information and a better basis for a decision on what would suit your specific situation.
  • Gilla
MrDizzy och 2 till
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De flesta kommuner har en gratis tjänst där en rådgivare gällande uppvärmning etc. kommer ut på besök för att diskutera vad som kan vara bra åtgärder i det aktuella huset.'

När det gäller värmepumpar med en utedel så kan de låta en hel del utomhus. I ett radhus kan det vara svårt att hitta en placering som inte stör en själv eller grannarna.
  • Gilla
Dav Davi och 1 till
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D Dav Davi skrev:
Do we save money if I spend 25-30,000kr to buy and fix a luftvärmepump
The answer depends on climate zone, insulation and heating system. But if we assume you live south of Gävle, have decent ~10 cm insulation and central heating system using circulating water.

I would say a heatpump would makes economical sense. The source of air though can cause noise and during the coldest days it may not work at all. For downhole heat exchanger it cost some extra ~40 000 SEK, so it's mostly about how patient you are on return-on-investment (ROI).
  • Gilla
Dav Davi
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spikplanka spikplanka skrev:
The answer depends on climate zone, insulation and heating system. But if we assume you live south of Gävle, have decent ~10 cm insulation and central heating system using circulating water.

I would say a heatpump would makes economical sense. The source of air though can cause noise and during the coldest days it may not work at all. For downhole heat exchanger it cost some extra ~40 000 SEK, so it's mostly about how patient you are on return-on-investment (ROI).
Thanks all ,for sharing your experience , I think for now I buy a cheaper air airhead pump 15-16.000, (hopefully works couple of years) then wait until we need to change Our Elvarme , then we replace it with heating pump,
Many thanks
I think moving into water based central heating is perhaps the most important aspect as it makes it possible to use thermal heat to heat the house. While electricity for most history have been really expensive. As this also enables heating using wood if you need to.
spikplanka spikplanka skrev:
I think moving into water based central heating is perhaps the most important aspect as it makes it possible to use thermal heat to heat the house. While electricity for most history have been really expensive. As this also enables heating using wood if you need to.
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