Hello everyone,

We have a large birch tree that fell in our yard (due to yesterday's hurricane).

Do you think it would be possible to cut it a bit and lift it (fix it to a rock by metal strings)? Can the birch tree survive?

I am considering this for two reasons: the tree provided us the privacy from our neighbors (it will take a long time for new trees to grow, as our yard is lower). We also feel sorry for the birch tree and want it to stay alive.

Very appreciate your advices!
  • Fallen björk på bakgård bredvid vit gungsoffa som står under ett tak. Träd, gräs och mossbeklädda stenar i bakgrunden.
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  • Nedfallen björk i trädgård, omgivet av grönska och mossa på stenar.
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  • En stor björk ligger på marken med synliga rötter uppåt, omgiven av gräs och gröna växter, efter att ha fallit vid en klippa täckt av mossa.
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Cut it to pieces. You cant save that tree. It may be rotten on the inside. In the next storm it may fall onto you!
It might work to do as you suggest, I have seen trees be saved in similar situations - we have a lot of trees with shallow roots in the archipelago. But I have also examples when we could not save the tree. I suggest you could at least try if it is valuable to you.

You would probably need to anchor the tree with the wire permanently, or for a couple years at least.
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