I see other posts related to this but it doesn't cover what my problem is.
I live in southern Sweden and have problems with the humidity in the garage. It sometimes goes up to 90 percent. I have a garage with storage as in the picture.
In storage the humidity is below 70 percent and when I use elements it is even lower but it is the garage where I have problems with humidity.
What I tried
Dehumidifier 30 m² from Christmas but it works when the temperature is above 5 and I have to put elements that take some time to raise the temperature.

My question is, can I use the exhaust fan (two way control) available on amazon (attached picture) that is shown in red color in outlet to control the humidity?

I have the front and one side of the garage not insulated, should I do that first and use dehumidifier or fan heaters? I am attaching a photo where the garage front and one side are not insulated. Resten av garaget och butiken är isolerade som på bilden

If anyone is interested, I use polycam app and blender

Thanks in advance.
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The attatched graph showes the relative humidity outdoors at my home during november. Unless you heat the garage or use a dehumidifier you will not acheive much less humidity than outdoors. Ventilation is not enough since it is also very humid outside.
Graf som visar fluktuationer i relativ luftfuktighet över tid.
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You will have high humidity all the time if you do not insulate the garage + heat the garage to a minimum of +16 gr .
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I use https://woods.se/sv/shop/avfuktare/woods-sw42fw-made-in-sweden/ in my 45m² garage. The garage is insulated but currenly without an heat solution.

I can push RH below 50%, but i try to keep it just below 70%.

Afaik theres no need to heat the garage from a humidity point of view. While the dehumidifyer doesnt work well around 5c, mold wont grow either because its too cold.
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Appgränssnitt för temperatur- och fuktighetskontroll, välj temperatur, fuktighet, schemaläggning, timerfunktioner; mörkt tema, mönstrad bakgrund.
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Energiförbrukningsdiagram för november 2023, visar varierande dagligt användning med totalt 3.61 kWh.
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November power consumption of my garage dehumidifyer above.

How much energy does it take to reach +20C in the garage @Tomture61 ?
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November power consumption of my garage dehumidifyer above.

How much energy does it take to reach +20C in the garage @Tomture61 ?
I have to have 20 degrees in the garage for various reasons. Do not have a separate electricity meter for the garage, yet.
Just wanted to show the humidity I have in the garage.
I don't see what temp you have. Or humidity .
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Tomture61 Tomture61 skrev:
I have to have 20 degrees in the garage for various reasons. Do not have a separate electricity meter for the garage, yet.
Just wanted to show the humidity I have in the garage.
I don't see what temp you have. Or humidity .
Since I have no heat its pretty close to the oustide temp.
I havent gotten around to log my RH yet, i just have standalone temp/rh sensor.

My point was just that heat is not needed JUST for keeping RH in check. Its more economical to just dehumidify.
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I use [länk] in my 45m² garage. The garage is insulated but currenly without an heat solution.

I can push RH below 50%, but i try to keep it just below 70%.

Afaik theres no need to heat the garage from a humidity point of view. While the dehumidifyer doesnt work well around 5c, mold wont grow either because its too cold.
I am only concerned about mold, if that doesn't happen, I can move my garage's expensive equipment to a small store where I have both temperature and humidity control using oil element, thanks to good insulation.
  • Två linjediagram som visar luftfuktighetsprocent och okänt mätvärde över november 2023.
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