(översatt från engelska)

Hej alla.

Jag vill sätta en handhållen bidé (bild 1) i mitt badrum, problemet är att jag inte kan klippa några rör. Jag har en vattenkran till tvättmaskinen (bild 2) och jag undrade om det finns ett sätt att fästa både tvättmaskinsslangen och bidéslangen på samma vattenkran.

Kan du föreslå en lösning för mig snälla?


Hello everyone.

I want to put a handheld bidet (image 1) in my bathroom, the problem is that I can't cut any pipes. I have a water faucet for the washing machine (image 2, 3) and I was wondering if there is a way to attach both the washing machine hose and the bidet hose together on the same water faucet.

Can you suggest a solution for me please?
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Its possible, would you really like to wash your behind with only cold water?
Jonatan79 Jonatan79 skrev:
Its possible, would you really like to wash your behind with only cold water?
Well, I did not think about it actually, it might be a problem during winter. :(
S seasand skrev:
Well, I did not think about it actually, it might be a problem during winter. :(
For sure, you need to connect it to a "blandare", is there a shower or bathtub in the room?
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If you want to use it regularly I would like the time it takes for hot water to arrive as short as possible. So check that also before making big changes. Do the check with the correct nozzle also by the way, the shower can have 10L/min flow where the bidet nozzle have 2L/min which means it will take 5 times longer to get hot water.
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Jonatan79 Jonatan79 skrev:
For sure, you need to connect it to a "mixer", is there a shower or bathtub in the room?
Sorry for taking too long to respond, yes there are a shower and mixer.
  • Kromad kran över vit handfat, med röd och blå markering, ingen vattenflöde, neutralt badrum.
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  • Duschkran monterad på vägg med duschslang, omgiven av två badsvampar.
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