Hej alilhoppa!

Jag pratar inte så bra Svenska, hoppas att Engelska är okej!

First of all, I hope I am in the right section, and apologize if I am making a mistake, or breaking a rule, it is pretty hard for me to understand Swedish at this point (working on it).

So ... I have a wall.

I hate this wall. So. Very. Much.

when I removed wallpaper from it the first time, a section of it ... came off. I was in a rush, tried to fix it quickly, messed up, called someone to spackel everything. Done.

Couple of months later, I get some ... cracks (who would have guessed). This time I am more patient, and I decide to fix them properly. I start opening the cracks, and removing any moving part and ... I keep doing that.

Here is the result right now:
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And I have .... more to remove (especially lower left part).
It is really obvious that some of the layer between the concrete block and the spackling is ... cracked/sandy/loose.

My idea was to apply Husfix between the recesses first, and then in layers until I feel comfortable spackling everything.

My questions were then:
  • How fucked am I?
  • Is Husfix the right product for this application?
  • Should I be doing something completely differently?
Again, I am really sorry if I am asking something wrong, and I apologize for it.

I thank you very much for looking at my thread :)
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T Tagazook skrev:
Hej alilhoppa!

Jag pratar inte så bra Svenska, hoppas att Engelska är okej!

First of all, I hope I am in the right section, and apologize if I am making a mistake, or breaking a rule, it is pretty hard for me to understand Swedish at this point (working on it).

So ... I have a wall.

I hate this wall. So. Very. Much.
when I removed wallpaper from it the first time, a section of it ... came off. I was in a rush, tried to fix it quickly, messed up, called someone to spackel everything. Done.

Couple of months later, I get some ... cracks (who would have guessed). This time I am more patient, and I decide to fix them properly. I start opening the cracks, and removing any moving part and ... I keep doing that.

Here is the result right now:

And I have .... more to remove (especially lower left part).
It is really obvious that some of the layer between the concrete block and the spackling is ... cracked/sandy/loose.

My idea was to apply Husfix between the recesses first, and then in layers until I feel comfortable spackling everything.

My questions were then:
  • How fucked am I?
  • Is Husfix the right product for this application?
  • Should I be doing something completely differently?
Again, I am really sorry if I am asking something wrong, and I apologize for it.

I thank you very much for looking at my thread :)
Husfix will work, but is expensive. Gipsputs or cementbaserad puts is cheaper. Read the instruction for the product. It may be so that you sould damp the wall before applying the plaster. And remove everything that is loose.
T Tompafix skrev:
Husfix will work, but is expensive. Gipsputs or cementbaserad puts is cheaper. Read the instruction for the product. It may be so that you sould damp the wall before applying the plaster. And remove everything that is loose.
Thank you very much for your answer :D
Welcome to the forum, you’re not the first one asking questions in English, no worries :)

First of all you should give the wall a good going over with a hammer, to make sure that all that’s going to come off will come off. Feel free to bring out your aggressions at this point :crysmile::crysmile:

Secondly, I’d like to know why the grout is falling out. Damp? Is there a leak somewhere?

Then, you could either use gipsputs or cementbaserad puts like @Tompafix says, or, if you really hate the wall and want to do something radical about it, cover it with drywall/plasterboard or perhaps even hardboard that you paint or paper over or whatever. Think of it as your chance to get a serious change done :)

There’s this ”renoveringsgips” that’s thinner than ordinary drywall that you can whack straight onto the wall if you like, although fastening it onto stone might be a problem, especially if the rest of the wall is porous too. What material is it exactly?

Otherwise, you might have to use steel latches and ordinary plasterboard, but that’s going to build into the room.

Either way, whenever working with putty, get some fibreglass in there first for the putty to hang on to. Otherwise, it will crack in all directions, sorry to say.

Oh btw, I found this that might help too:
Use a primer before applying the plaster.
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Knight och 2 till
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S sturnus skrev:
Use a primer before applying the plaster.
Absolutely right, forgot to mention that.
Yeah, as @ricebridge says, figure out why it's falling off here.
It could be that it's just a lousy wall that have waited for any excuse to make your life misserable since it was built due to poor adhesion from the start. But it could also be a sign that there might be a leak from a pipe or from the outside due to some poor weather proofing.

And in that case it might be something that isn't your responsibility, but the associations insurance that should pay someone to fix it permanently (after fixing the underlaying cause)

But, if it ends up as your responsibility the three main things to do to ensure that this is the last time you fix (this part of) the wall in my oppinion is:
1: Remove *everything* that might loosen up after some time. Hit it with a hammer, perhaps not with all your built in feelings for the wall, because it might be frowned upon if you make holes all the way through. :) But make sure that you really get everything where it sounds hollow or at least not completely dead and solid.

2: Primer. The concrete behind the wall is really dry, when you apply the layer of puts it will try to suck as much moisture out of it as it can otherwise. Then you end up with a layer of dry sand between the concrete wall and your puts. And you don't need those therapy bills.

3: I would actually consider a rather drastic approach just to make damned sure that this will be the last time:
Since you have a fairly thick layer of puts you could actually drill a number of holes in the concrete and add plugs and screws that hold a putsnät or some chicken net in place. That net should end up within the puts and hold it together. This last step *should* not be needed if step 1 and 2 is done correct.
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Thank you to everyone that has been replying to help me ! It makes me a lot more confident that I can solve this problem !

Imma wack that wall today.

Concerning the underlying issue I think I have a guess, there is a hole leading to the outside somewhere ( the outlets can get ... windy). And I suppose that over the years some rainwater/air humidity slowly took care of this wall.
It's my first real renovation project, so I am not 100% sure what the material used is, it just seems very brittle, yellowish, and has small rocks into it.

But do you want to know the reeeeaaaal reason why I hate this wall more than anything?
See the outlet on the left? the Antena/TV/Internet? if I move it too much, I cut internet to half the building :dizzy:

So ... yeah, fun time !

Thanks again everyone ! Imma solve this problem now ! :D
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If there is a draft and a possible leak from the outside, that must be fixed first ,otherwise you will keep this task as a yearly tradition!

And it's nothing that you should have to fix, it's for the homeowners association to solve and they should also take care of the damage done to your apartment.

Ie, contact the board and let them know about the issue and they should then take it from there.
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I just confirmed, there is indeed a draft coming from the antenna outlet ... with the rusted pipe ....... Imma send them a mail :D
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ricebridge och 1 till
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T Tagazook skrev:
I just confirmed, there is indeed a draft coming from the antenna outlet ... with the rusted pipe ....... Imma send them a mail :D
…or a pipe bomb…
  • Haha
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