Hi I have security door lock. I tried to lock the door yesterday the switch got free, now I cannot lock my door. Any suggestion about how to fix?
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You need to lift and release the handle before it kan be locked.

• To lock: Lift up the door handle, this engages the bolt and multipoint locking points. Release the handle and turn the key 360 degrees.
• To unlock: turn the key 360 degrees and open the door with the handle.
1 123abc skrev:
You need to lift and release the handle before it can be locked.
I know I have been using this door for years.Now it is free the lock does not come out when I try it.
If nothing happens when you lift the handle then something is wrong and the MPL needs to be repaired or replaced.
The lock cases are sold separately so if the problem is in the lock case it can be replaced otherwise the hole MPL needs to be replaced.
If you only need to replace the lock case it looks like a MPL 8765-50.
1 123abc skrev:
If nothing happens when you lift the handle then something is wrong and the MPL needs to be repaired or replaced.
The lock cases are sold separately so if the problem is in the lock case it can be replaced otherwise the hole MPL needs to be replaced.
If you only need to replace the lock case it looks like a MPL 8765-50.
It’s a security door, any suggestion who should I contact for the cheapest solution?
aliyasirali aliyasirali skrev:
It’s a security door, any suggestion who should I contact for the cheapest solution?
You could contact the manufacturer of the door but usually the cheapest is to buy en new lock case and replace it.
I would guess that it's the lock case that is the cause to the problem but without an inspection it's only a guess.
If you need help replacing the lock then call a locksmith.
The lock case MPL 8765-50 has article number: 50021562
1 123abc skrev:
You could contact the manufacturer of the door but usually the cheapest is to buy en new lock case and replace it.
I would guess that it's the lock case that is the cause to the problem but without an inspection it's only a guess.
If you need help replacing the lock then call a locksmith.
The lock case MPL 8765-50 has article number: 50021562
Thanks but as you can see it’s a security door and the lock case is a part of the whole MPL. So my guess is that the whole MPL needs to be replaced even though if it is just the lock case in the middle which is not working.
You can replace the hole MPL or only the lock case.
Once the MPL is out of the door you should see that the lock case can be replaced, it's attached to the MPL with two screws.
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aliyasirali aliyasirali skrev:
Hi I have security door lock. I tried to lock the door yesterday the switch got free, now I cannot lock my door. Any suggestion about how to fix?
Hej Ali

Detta är ett enkelt fel att fixa. Ser ut som att den så kallade "medbringaren" släppt från vredet. Skriva loss de två skruv som håller vredet så kommer du se felet direkt.
När du sedan skruvar tillbaka vredet med ny eller åtgärdad medbringare, skall du bara vara observant på att den del i låshuset där medbringaren går in står/pekar nedåt. Den ser ut som ett kryss/plus med ena ände formad som en pil.

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H Hunnern skrev:

Hej Ali

Detta är ett enkelt fel att fixa. Ser ut som att den så kallade "medbringaren" släppt från vredet. Skriva loss de två skruv som håller vredet så kommer du se felet direkt.
När du sedan skruvar tillbaka vredet med ny eller åtgärdad medbringare, skall du bara vara observant på att den del i låshuset där medbringaren går in står/pekar nedåt. Den ser ut som ett kryss/plus med ena ände formad som en pil.

Thanks I will try this
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H Hunnern skrev:
Hej Ali

Detta är ett enkelt fel att fixa. Ser ut som att den så kallade "medbringaren" släppt från vredet. Skriva loss de två skruv som håller vredet så kommer du se felet direkt.
När du sedan skruvar tillbaka vredet med ny eller åtgärdad medbringare, skall du bara vara observant på att den del i låshuset där medbringaren går in står/pekar nedåt. Den ser ut som ett kryss/plus med ena ände formad som en pil.

Visst ser det ut som om vredet roterar många varv och eventuellt vredmedbringaren sitter löst eller cylinderroddaren är skadad men då reglarna inte är ute så som de ska vara när man lyft trycket och jag tolkar TS svar som att reglarna inte kommer ut när handtaget lyfts tyder det på annat fel.
Det går inte att låsa flerpunktslåset utan att reglarna först är utfällda.
Men det kanske blivit fel i kommunikationen och trycket inte har lyfts i klippet.
Hej korrekt! Trycket måste lyftas flr att möjliggöra förregling i en 8765-3P. Spanjoletten är en gammal FD01 och eftersom ts, i ett tidigare svar att det fungerat flera år, ansåg jag det högst troligt att de har koll på detta. Dessutom skulle det inte gå att vrida runt på detta sätt utan att först ha aktiverat hakreglarna, så jag lutar helt åt att det inte är fel på låshuset utan medbringaren som är kass. Har haft åtskilliga fel som detta i mitt yrke sedan 12 år tillbaka så hoppas det stämmer även här. ;)
H Hunner skrev:
Hello correct! The pressure must be lifted to enable interlocking in an 8765-3P. The spagnolette is an old FD01 and since ts, in a previous answer that it worked for several years, I considered it highly likely that they have a handle on this. In addition, it would not be possible to turn it around in this way without first having activated the latches, so I am fully inclined to believe that it is not the lock housing that is at fault, but the carrier which is rubbish. I have had numerous errors like this in my profession since 12 years ago, so I hope it is true here as well. ;)
Any suggestion, how should I proceed from here? I am not expert in locks, I can open the lock 2 screws and check but nothing much
aliyasirali aliyasirali skrev:
Any suggestion, how should I proceed from here? I am not expert in locks, I can open the lock 2 screws and check but nothing much
I would suggest contacting a locksmith, the possible faults and articles are mensioned in the thread if that’s not enough you won’t solve it by yourself.
Probably it’s not something you should pay, if it’s rental appartment it’s the landlord and if it’s a BRF they probably should handle it.
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aliyasirali aliyasirali skrev:
Any suggestion, how should I proceed from here? I am not expert in locks, I can open the lock 2 screws and check but nothing much
After you remove the thumbturn you need to check if the two connecting screws for the spindle that also holds the lock cylinder are tighten, you shouldn't just tighten the screws if it's loose you need to make sure that the spindle for the thumbturn and the cylinder connecting bar engage correctly with the lock case (if not the lock case might be damaged).
You should also check that the plate for the spindle is straight since the older ones are thinner and might bend and that causes the spindle to not engage with the lock case, if the plate is bent then unscrew it and turn it around (180°) and it will straighten when you tighten the connecting screws.

Could you verify what happens when you lift the handle. Does it throw the bolts (latches extend) as it should or not?
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