Hi Guys,
I am a newcomer to this area. currently, I want to do some renovation in my house, the main part is the kitchen. I planned to take down the wall between the kitchen and living room, also the wall between the kitchen and hall as much as possible, but I do not know exactly how much I should leave? because the walls support the second floor.

So based on that, who I can contact to ask? I guess the certificated constructor should have the ability to do this. But where can I find them? or do you have any recommendation? I think maybe also the inspection company also can do this job, for instance, Anticimex?

Thanks a lot!
  • Gilla
  • Laddar…
You need a "byggnadskonstruktör". They calculate loads on the existing walls and suggestions to handle the loads. And if you should do this by the book (whitch is recomended) you also ned a "bygglov" (building permit) where you attach the documents from the byggnadskonstruktör.

When I found one I googled and called, and googled and called. Also one point of entry could be through the contractors the might have a direct line with a bygnadskonstruktör.
Thanks a lot, Viktor. I will search on google to find "byggnadskonstruktör" and ask for home visiting inspection and checking.
the title isnt a "protected" one so other similar names could also be found souch as "Byggkonstruktör" or maybe just simply "konstruktör" but the nyou have to make sure they know how to calculate houses. Good luck !
  • Gilla
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Tack Viktor!
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