Again sorry for my that i write again in english, we are (now finally) planning to build our house in österåker commune, there is no detail plan and water / avlopp i need to find one myself (one household ) avlopp, what would be the best avlopp system? I have looked at the TPS10, ForeverGreen and the ECObox but cant really find any comparisions on them.

My last question is, as we are building new is it smart to invest in mountain heat (bergvarmer) system or should we stick with a electric NIBE 730, my contracter states its not worth the investment to install a bergvarmer system.
Since new houses in general do not need that much heating, a FrånLuftsVärmePump (FLVP) (heatpump using energy from the ventilation air) should normally be enough. However, it all boils down to the needed amount of energy to keep the house and possibly also garage/shop warm as well as to produce the needed amount of hot water. This depends on the specific house(s) estimated energy consumtion, and the family constallation and shower habits (for heated water).
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