We bought land with a building permit for a house that, according to the broker, had a building price of 2.5 to 3.0 mils sec, now that I bought it it turns out to be 3 to 4 times more expensive. Is there anything in the law so I could cancel the transaction?

Sorry for my bad Swedish
What really catches my attention is the huge difference.
It seems to me that even a layman would understand roughly what 2,5 - 3 MSEK would buy you. I mean, 12 MSEK is a pretty fancy house.
Meaning that?
The broker has very little responsibility for this kind of thing. Getting anything from the seller seems unlikeky as well.

What makes the building 3–4 times more expensive than normal? Or have you been duped into believing that a house that always would cost about 10 Mkr could be built for far less?

Either way, this one is most likely on you, as buying real estate in Sweden is considered as a transaction between two equal parties rather than being subject to any kind of consumer protection legislation.
So you bought the land including a granted building permit? A building permit is always based on a certain design, size, position of the house on the land, etc. Obvioiusly the permitted design of the house is a 10 MSEK house?
You are not forced to build that house. You can chose another house with more modest size etc and apply for a new building permit.
Just ask any of the established house building companies for a tender. 2.5 MSEK will take you somewhere but not vrey far.
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Tråden flyttad från ekonomi.

S sliderr skrev:
Meaning that?
Well, the implied question is - why is the house so expensive to build?
I've never heard of projected plots with 10-12 MSEK houses, while 2,5-3 MSEK sounds pretty normal.
the quote for the projected house is accoording to the contracters i contacted 5.8 to 8.1 Mil, whilst the seller told me the house to build was only 2.5 to 3.0 to build. I dont seem to get this quote anywhere. I asked him for the company for the 2.5 / 3.0 Mil quote but he is not responding.
You really need to specify if the prices concern the same house. If not, there is no point in comparing them.

Regarding your 250 sqm house, that is bigger than usual and will cost more. You have also not told us anything about the house. 10 Msek might be a reasonable price if there are a lot of luxury options.

As Nötegårdsgubben said, there is probably no way out if the deal is completed. In Sweden the buyer of real estate has a very far reaching duty to find out everything about the real estate.
In one of your other threads, you mention that the house is planned to be 250 sq m.

IF the agent really said that it would be possible to build for 2,5 milj. And IF you can prove that, then you should report the agent to fastighetsmäklarinspektionen. It will get the agent into trouble, maybe not help you. However strictly legally regarding the agreement, it is up to you to check such information, never trust a realestate agent.

But i suspect there is some misunderstnding here. The building permit may be for a 250 sq m house, which is unrealistic to build for 2,5 milj. But 8 milj sounds a bit steep.

I am sure you can find some house that can be built on the lot for 2,5 - 3 milj. But you may have to settle for 120 - 150 sq m. And I suspect that the agent may have meant something like that.
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Is it possible that the maximum allowable size for the lot is 250 sqm and that you have misunderstood that?

As previously said, you need to provide information regarding what was said, and more importantly, written. The most important bit of information is the building permit. Did you buy a lot with an active building permit? In that case there should be complete blueprints and drawings of the house. What size is that house? Is there a written offer from a company to build said house for the sum stated?
There is no limit on the size of the house,its out of the detailzone anyway, I have an active build permit which is granted for this house to build (and have the drawings for). The seller of the land told me before i bought it the production cost was 2.5 to 3.0 mil. I cant get this quote anywhere.
Why is the house so expensive according to the contractors?
What kind of house is it. What do you want for house?

I suggest that you start from scratch and talk to different housecompanies and contractors.
A cheap and easy way of building a house is to buy a cataloghouse, partially build off site.
Take a look att
- smålandsvillan
- hjältevadshus
- myresjöhus
- fiskarhedenshus
- etcetera

When you have a house, apply for a new buildingpermit
As a "rule of thumb" a new house costs 25 - 30 000 sek per sq m. To build. Basic standard.

It is possible to cut some costs, but it is not realistic to come as low as 10 000 per sq m.

There are people who claim that they have built for so low cost, but it is not repeatable.
For 10 years ago we built a house (200 sqm) for 4 miljon SEK, (20 000 SEK/sqm). This was incl. buildingplot, foundation, water+waste water, basic landscaping, telefon, electricity, building taxes, etc.

Så it is definately possible to build a house (without buildingplot) for under 20 000 SEK/sqm
10 000 SEK/sqm is to cheap and works only if you build it yourselve
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