Mattias Jiderhamn skrev:
Seems that the Domoticz API may have been broken in the 3.x upgrade. See [länk] and/or [länk] to follow the progress of this issue.
Mattias: Is your version working with HASS running https? I changed to https and password recently and now your script wont connect:
Error calling Home Assistant: {"code":"ECONNREFUSED","errno":"ECONNREFUSED","syscall":"connect"}
Yes sure! I use mosquitto as broker as well.
You can use mosquitto_pub.exe to try the script.
Let me know if you have any problems.
miktr skrev:
Yes sure! I use mosquitto as broker as well.
You can use mosquitto_pub.exe to try the script.
Let me know if you have any problems.

Sounds good, I got stuck immediately though :(

I git-cloned your repository and modified config.ini.

Do I need to change anything else in
Is this the startup py btw?
Scripts stops at import requests with error missing module.

Also, I use cert together with my mqtt, can I specify that somewhere?

Example of pub I use today;
mosquitto_pub --cafile /home/pi/ca.crt -h -p 8883

I don't use OpenHab or Dweet, I just need to publish the values to mqtt so I can fetch them with Home Assistant


I pushed a new commit with a new name of the main script, now "" instead of "".

I also added some instructions to
* Dweet is removed
* Install the module "requests" (pip install requests)
* To run "python"

To test with mosquitto_pub.exe:
$ ./mosquitto_pub.exe -h -t my_topic/command -m check
miktr skrev:

I pushed a new commit with a new name of the main script, now "" instead of "".

I also added some instructions to
* Dweet is removed
* Install the module "requests" (pip install requests)
* To run "python"

To test with mosquitto_pub.exe:
$ ./mosquitto_pub.exe -h -t my_topic/command -m check

Thank you miktr
I did a new clone, updated config.ini, installed requests and ran python

Sadly I get:
[Errno 104] Connection reset by peer

I can access the W796E using a browser and same url as defined in config.


Host: 192.168.1.XXX
Port: 8883
BaseTopic: my_topic/

Addr: [länk]
User: admin

Tested to publish to my broker and that is working (no data though for obvious reason).

Running script as root if that matters (installation on a rPi)
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Jocke-g skrev:
Really nice, I did get it to work.

I had to install python-pip first, and git-core to clone the files, but then it worked.

I do have some suggestions on improvements though.

  1. One topic where you send out current status, as text string. Either current alarm, or Mowing/Charging/Seeking charger.
  2. Send out messaegs by interval, without need to receive the check command. Say each minute, and add setting in config file to define this.
  3. MQTT authentication
Jocke, did you need do modify anything to get the script to connect to the Landroid (except for ip and pin ofc)?

I still can't connect to the mower but ping works fine from same server.
I also get json response when using browser
Which version of python are you running?
I'm can't reproduce you fault you get. I usually run Python 3.5, but I tried yesterday on a RPi with python 2.7 and it worked fine.
miktr skrev:
Which version of python are you running?
I'm can't reproduce you fault you get. I usually run Python 3.5, but I tried yesterday on a RPi with python 2.7 and it worked fine.
I was using 2.7, now I tried with python3 and got another error

root@raspbmc:/home/pi/worx-landroid# python3
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 10, in <module>
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
ImportError: No module named paho.mqtt.client
Maybe I need paho installed anyhow. I'll test some more.
Oh yes you do.
I've totally missed that you didn't install that. That the client library to send and receive mqtt messages.
miktr skrev:
Oh yes you do.
I've totally missed that you didn't install that. That the client library to send and receive mqtt messages.

Ok, I did some more testing this evening.
I cloned your repository to the same rPi running the broker.
This way I could use localhost and 1883 for connection.

When running python3 I now get " Connected with result code0" which I assume is good?
So the connection error was not to the landroid but to the broker.

Anyway. when running;
"mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t my_topic/command -m check" in another window I can see that it is publishing to my broker, however I do not get any landroid stats (which I expected). So It seems that doesn't read the message sent?

I would prefer to run this on another rPi but it seems that it have issues when you need username/password or cert?

Fredrik Levin;2555979]Ok, I did some more testing this evening.
I cloned your repository to the same rPi running the broker.
This way I could use localhost and 1883 for connection.

When running python3 I now get " Connected with result code0" which I assume is good?
So the connection error was not to the landroid but to the broker.

Anyway. when running;
"mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t my_topic/command -m check" in another window I can see that it is publishing to my broker, however I do not get any landroid stats (which I expected). So It seems that doesn't read the message sent?

Wild shot since Im no python programmer but arent you missing a ) when using # here?

I would prefer to run this on another rPi but it seems that it have issues when you need username/password or cert?

EDIT: reading further I might need to set mqttc.tls_set with my cert path.
Ill test more tomorrow


I assume is started with:
>> Connected with result code0

then, running the following in another terminal
$ ./mosquitto_pub.exe -h localhost -t my_topic/command -m check

should result in:
$ python
>> Connected with result code0
>> Received new message
>> my_topic/command: b'check'
>> Sending check...

Where the last three rows indicate that received the message ok, and that a status request was sent to the landroid.

Just to make sure, in the example above the "BaseTopic" in config.ini is assumed to be set to my_topic.

I can add some more debugging info to the script later tonight to help find out whats going wrong. Line 24 should however be ok as is is.
miktr skrev:

I assume is started with:
>> Connected with result code0

then, running the following in another terminal
$ ./mosquitto_pub.exe -h localhost -t my_topic/command -m check

should result in:
$ python
>> Connected with result code0
>> Received new message
>> my_topic/command: b'check'
>> Sending check...

Where the last three rows indicate that received the message ok, and that a status request was sent to the landroid.

Just to make sure, in the example above the "BaseTopic" in config.ini is assumed to be set to my_topic.

I can add some more debugging info to the script later tonight to help find out whats going wrong. Line 24 should however be ok as is is.

Hi, yes that's the way I did it.
Basic topic is unchanged.

I ended up starting to build a modified version so no need to dig deeper if you don't want to.
I will use your code for communication to the landroid but instead of subscribing to the broker I will publish the messages directly by replacing your push_message (mqttc.publish) with my mosquitto code.

I can then just put this in cron for scheduled updates.
Not as fancy but it is working.

Thanks for your help and effort.
Does anyone know how I can send a "Start"-command to my Landroid without using Json?
I've tried this in C#:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string url = "";
string username = "admin";
string password = "0000";
string postData = @"data=[""settaggi\11,1""]";
byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData);

HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
String encoded = System.Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1").GetBytes(username + ":" + password));
request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic " + encoded);
request.Method = "POST";
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
request.ContentLength = byteArray.Length;
Stream dataStream = request.GetRequestStream();
dataStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);

WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
textBoxReadings.Text = (((HttpWebResponse)response).StatusDescription) + Environment.NewLine;

dataStream = response.GetResponseStream();
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataStream);

string responseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd();

textBoxReadings.Text = textBoxReadings.Text + (responseFromServer);

I don't know what's wrong, it seems pretty straight forward. But I see that you retrieve the response from the movers webserver. What does it say?
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