Loggade in nu på kvällskvisten och såg att det var ett hopp på nästan 6h inom senaste inlägg......
jupps, den har varit nere större delar av dagen.
Glesys har haft problem idag.

** 13:49
We have had a total router stop in Falkenberg. We are working on solving the problems,

About 70% of the net is now online on reduced capacity.
More updates will come

** Update 16:57
The router problem was in both Falkenberg and Stockholm.
Something has made all our routers to fail at the same time. We are still investigating.

** Update 17:44
There is still big problems.
This is now expected to be 100% solved first Sunday 03:00
More updates will come. We will try updating every 30 mins

**Update 18:10
Most systems are now running ok and is stable.
But we will need to apply more fixes during night, causing the internet connection to be unstable.

** Update 19:13
Ok, updating every 30 min did not work.
Almost every system is now up and have been running stable for about 40 mins.
If you still are having trouble, please send an email to support@glesys.se or call your dedicated off hour telephone number.

** Update 20:00
All systems are online. Some on reduced capacity, but it should not affect any services.
We will get back with a full report on this incident.
Ja, man hade lite abstinens när den Va nere..
  • Gilla
  • Laddar…
.....varför inte försöka leva ett liv utan internet några timmar.....;)
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