I have bought a house two years ago , which built in 2006 by Deromme, then i found a problem with the puts fasad and the rot (mögel) all around the puts ,and when deromme contact me they give me an offer ,which contain payment for wood material ,then i must pay the labor cost by myself ,it was a useless negotiation and the negotiator advice me not to use the law becouse deromme have a larg staff of lawyers and ......
But why shoud i pay to repair the mistakes of the company ,Should I??????
i have a Guarantee for ten years , and i know logically they must do everything .

There has been many of these cases in sweden now and the customers won in court. So u have a good chance to win but it will take a lot of resorces and time.
In sweden there is an insurance "Byggfelsförsäkring" that is compulsary for all new houses. You should have received papers about it when you bought the house. According to the rules of the insurance you should file a case with the insurance company. You should not expect too much help from the insurance company, they are notorious for not paying.

You also have an option to sue the seller of the house. In Sweden when you sell a house, you are responsible for all hidden faults for 10 years. It is very difficult to prove that a fault was hidden, and also the seller is not responsible for errors that the buyer might have had reason to suspect. The problems the type of "fasad" you have are toay "common knowledge" that buyers should suspect, the question then is whether it was common knowledge 2 years ago.

You should consult a lawyer to find out your options. There are several lawsuits in progress regarding this problem, and so far I think the houseowners are winning.

The general problem is that there are so many of those errors that the house companies will go bancrupt if they are made to pay (not all of them but many), and also the insurance companies involved migth crash.
Your town should have a "konsumentvägledare". Enter the name of your town in the search field at this site: to find contact information etc. The konsumentvägledare can give advice about consumer rights.

In your home insurance you probably have what is called "rättsskydd" (legal protection), this can cover some of the costs for a lawyer etc. Talk to your insurance company to find out more.
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